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You just NOFAP, and the body does SR.
You have to just avoid engaging in sexual or arousal stuff and let the body do the retention part.
And you just focus on improving your life.

If filling the tank is the goal, then no one will get motivation, but if the goal is to drive the car, do drifts, and experience the best, then no one will even think about missing this chance.

Same with SR; don't focus on retention.
Focus on self-improvement and getting better.
Look at the big picture!

It takes 1 year to reach 1 year, but just a few seconds to get back to where you started!


Today's challenge: Full Body 50 Pushups, 30 Situps, 40 Squats, 1 Min Lunges (30 seconds each leg), 1 Min Plank Hold, 30 Crunches, 5 Minute Meditation
  •   I will Do it (Champion mindset 🏆)
  •   I will try it
  •   I did it
  •   I didn't do it
5 голосов

A time comes in every man's life where he is at his lowest.

He gets betrayed by the people he trusts.
Nothing works out for him.
He faces rejections after rejections.
Nobody believes in him.
This is the most difficult time in a man's life.

But a man who overcomes this, wins.

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901 1 17 21 60


First off, it's all about the mindset.

Urges are born in the mind, meaning the solution has to stem from there too.

When you feel that an urge coming on, you have to make sure to remind yourself of the entire picture.

Sure, a part of you thinks, "porn might provide some comfort", but that's not the full story.

It's crucial to remind yourself of the WHOLE truth. Be prepared to have an honest conversation with yourself, to figure out which part of your urge is lying.

For example, your urges may be saying "Porn would be insanely fun right now".

Yes, it may be fun right now, but you need to tell yourself, "Yes it would be, but it will ruin my life if I engage with it".

It comes down to being able to say, "Listen, I know it seems tempting now, but it's only going to hurt us in the long run."

You need to essentially see the entire truth and the real consciences for your actions.

Once you do this automatically, you're good.

All the best.

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A morning routine is your launch pad:

• Wake up early - reclaim your day
• Hydration - kickstart your metabolism
• Gratitude journaling - realigns perspective
• Movement - energizes body & mind

Start tomorrow, watch how it transforms you.

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1.4k 1 16 60 45

Today's challenge: Full Body 50 Pushups, 30 Situps, 40 Squats, 1 Min Lunges (30 seconds each leg), 1 Min Plank Hold, 30 Crunches, 5 Minute Meditation
  •   I will Do it (Champion mindset 🏆)
  •   I will try it
  •   I did it
  •   I didn't do it
93 голосов

I promise you,

Hitting the gym, starting a business, and fixing your diet will make life 10 times better.

1.4k 1 10 13 56

Wassup Everyone! 😊

This post is for overthinkers.
Especially for those who are more into "past rehearsing.". 😩

There is a difference between thinking and obsessive thinking.

Thinking and thoughts are both gifts from nature to us.
Without thinking and thoughts, our existence is nothing.
You "are." This is also a thought.
We are actually a bunch of memories.
We think we are "X" (any caste, race, gender, from a country, or religion).
We think we know this or that.
We think about everything.

Thinking is the same as taking a breath.
Even Buddha used to think, but he was not being used by the mind; instead, he was the master of his mind.
Either you use your smartphone or your smartphone controls you.
Same with spiritual saints and ordinary humans.

Regarding overthinking, it is normal because by just thinking once about something, we can't be sure, and if we are rethinking with more accuracy, then it is totally human. Only we can do this; animals can't. If a dog gets the urge to have s#x, then he will not think twice. But we can. And we should.


When your mind urges you to think about something again and again with different perspectives and emotions, even when you are not interested in thinking, or even if you have already gotten clarity but still your mind urges you to think again, then just stop.

Simply Stop!

Your mind will never get satisfied!
Don't think that this "last time" is really the last time.

Just have a "full stop".

You will get shocked, but overthinking is a mental exercise, and it is good only if you can stop it whenever you want.
Which is impossible because the "topic" of overthinking is always "risky" and "stressful.". So we can't stop without being fully satisfied.

Try to get a conclusion by writing your thoughts on paper, by which all the negative thoughts will be removed.

But. If it is due to the past (any conversation, incident, or anything that has no effect on your today's life), and even if you know that X is X but your mind is asking you to think with more proofs and evidence,. And you end up doubting even the most obvious thing.

Then, my friend, you are in a loop.

Solution: Just sum up all the stuff within 1 minute and order your mind to come to a conclusion within 1 minute. And whatever it says in hurry, it is the truth.
The thing is that your mind "thinks."You have plenty of time, so it adds lots of confusion and doubts so that you can be engaged.

Read this again!👆

You need to realise that "now" is the only reality.
Present is the only truth.
Past & Future is only in your mind.

And if you are destroying your present for the stuff that happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow, then you are not doing justice to today.
As I always say, have a higher purpose in life so that your overthinking will also be regarding great things.


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Imagine you 5 years from now:

- You're in the best shape
- You own a thriving business
- You own rental properties
- Your assets are making you richer
- You're dating your favorite person

The only way you can make that happen is if you take action now.

Don't dream. Do.

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There is no long-term satisfaction for a porn addict.

People are ruining their lives in pursuit of an unquenchable longing.

The truth is that a porn addict is never satisfied.

How much are you willing to sacrifice to continue playing an unwinnable game?

Break the Cycle and Start #NoFap

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Men who complain about being short are losers.

Not because they are short, but because they have painted themselves as victims.

As a man, you do not have the luxury of being a victim. You either make do with what you were given or perish. Nobody will pity you or save you.

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1.7k 1 10 12 51

"Breaking free from addiction is not just a desire, it's a necessity. My lineage and my honor are at stake, and I refuse to let weakness prevail. I will take decisive action because I am a conqueror, and I do not accept defeat. I am willing to make sacrifices because I am committed to my victory over this addiction."

👀 Start focusing on healthy stuff , stuff that brings you long term success 🏆. Don't sacrifice your long term success for short term pleasures 🚫. Be a man be an alpha. Have a wonderful friday evening ✨🤲🏼

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The strongest armor a man can wear is his confidence.

It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling invincible in your skin.

Remember, confidence speaks louder than words in every room you enter.

Today's challenge: Full Body 50 Pushups, 30 Situps, 40 Squats, 1 Min Lunges (30 seconds each leg), 1 Min Plank Hold, 30 Crunches, 5 Minute Meditation
  •   I will Do it (Champion mindset 🏆)
  •   I will try it
  •   I did it
  •   I didn't do it
142 голосов

It only takes 1 good year to completely change your life

Do this for the next 365 days:

- Wake up early
- No masturbation
- Cut out alcohol
- Eat whole foods
- Stop watching porn
- Build an online business
- Walk 10,000 steps per day
- Lift weights 3-4 times per week
- Build a strong network of winners
- Spend 90 min per day building a skill

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2.2k 1 52 12 67

The mind and body are extremely adaptive.

Stress the body with weights and it becomes bigger and stronger.

Stress the mind with knowledge and it becomes sharper and more perceptive.

You literally have the power to “level up”. Abuse this power to your advantage.

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Today's Chest Workout Challenge: Push-Ups : 40 Incline Push-Ups (feet elevated): 30 Diamond Push-Ups: 50 Chest Press with Resistance Bands: 60
  •   I will do it
  •   I will try it
  •   I did it
  •   I didn't do it
97 голосов

There is a very simple reason you don't have everything you've ever wanted in life.

You don't have what you want,

Because you never TRIED to grab it.

You haven't fully understood that.


No one is going to place it in your hand.

Best case, they hold it out in front of you to grab it yourself.

Worst case, you need to fight them for it.

You need to get in the habit of reaching out to grab the things you want.

You want something?


What's the plan?

What are you going to do RIGHT NOW to get it?

Want some money?

Cool, how are you going to convince someone to give it to you?

What's the next step? Building website? WHAT.



Because it will never fall into your lap.

You aren't a child anymore, you can't whine and make noises.

No one gives a single fuck.

Go grab it, or live without it.

There are no other options.

- tate

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Decide wisely which feelings and emotions you share with a woman.

A wise man never shares his every truest feeling to his woman.

2.2k 0 13 12 33
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