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microchip cfo

" 關於積壓訂單再補充一點。去年這個時候我們曾經有過一個假象,當時訂單量開始改善,二月比一月好,三月比二月好,等等,這在圖表上是可以看得出來的。但之後這個趨勢就停滯了大約9個月。而現在我們看到了一個明顯的上升。




idm 狀況普遍也都是這個樣子,反正就是看 Q2 以後會不會持續好轉

EP537 | 🪱

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9成愛用者 真實感受!^^

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荒野超好玩... 地方生父兩天十四等,朋友沒小孩的已經三四十等去了...

steam all time peak player 落在約一百三十萬人,目前穩定保持流量。黑悟空的 peak 約兩百四十萬、帕魯兩百一十萬,2077 一百萬,法環九十萬

近期自黑悟空再到荒野,短期的換設備 peak 也過了。PS5 還是很勇建,一萬多塊打起來就很順

EP536 | 🪼



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gemini 詳解

"Gemini is Google’s long-promised, next-gen generative AI model family. Developed by Google’s AI research labs DeepMind and Google Research, it comes in four flavors:

Gemini Ultra, a very large model.
Gemini Pro, a large model – though smaller than Ultra. The latest version, Gemini 2.0 Pro Experimental, is Google’s flagship.
Gemini Flash, a speedier, “distilled” version of Pro. It also comes in a slightly smaller and faster version, called Gemini Flash-Lite, and a version with reasoning capabilities, called Gemini Flash Thinking Experimental.
Gemini Nano, two small models: Nano-1 and the slightly more capable Nano-2, which is meant to run offline"


nvidia q4 earnings call

The vast majority of our compute today is actually inference and Blackwell takes all of that to a new level. We designed Blackwell with the idea of reasoning models in mind."

強調 blackwell 兼顧推論

The next wave is coming, agentic AI for enterprise, physical AI for robotics and sovereign AI as different regions build out their AI for their own ecosystems.

GTC 應該會看到實體應用面的更多展示,老黃賣硬體還兼職幫忙應用面公司 demo

Yes. Blackwell Ultra is second half. As you know, the first Blackwell was -- we had a hiccup that probably cost us a couple of months. We're fully recovered, of course.

blackwell ultra(b300) 2h 會出來,且說明 blackwell 確實有遇到幾個月的逆風,但已順暢

And so come to GTC, and I'll talk to you about Blackwell Ultra, Vera Rubin and then show you what's the one click after that. Really exciting new products, so to come to GTC, please.

GTC 會講 Vera Rubin, b300,以及更多酷東西

China is approximately the same percentage as Q4 and as previous quarters. It's about half of what it was before the export control. But it's approximately the same in percentage.

中國佔比維持得差不多 (~20%),是出口控制前的一半

The more computation, the more the model thinks the smarter the answer. Models like OpenAI, Grok 3, DeepSeek-R1 are reasoning models that apply inference time scaling. Reasoning models can consume 100x more compute. Future reasoning models can consume much more compute. DeepSeek-R1 has ignited global enthusiast.

reasoning 只會用更多算力,不要再懷疑了

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