1355 茘枝角站有乘客發生意外
ℹ️ 緊急服務人員現正護理需要協助的乘客,務求能盡快送院治理
Passengers' incident at Lai Chi Kok Station
Major delays on Tsuen Wan Line
ℹ️ Emergency services are taking care of the ill passenger on board for hospital treatment
Services on Tsuen Wan Line are being held for a short while before continuing their journey
ℹ️ 緊急服務人員現正護理需要協助的乘客,務求能盡快送院治理
Passengers' incident at Lai Chi Kok Station
Major delays on Tsuen Wan Line
ℹ️ Emergency services are taking care of the ill passenger on board for hospital treatment
Services on Tsuen Wan Line are being held for a short while before continuing their journey