0812 大學站有列車故障,東鐵綫列車服務嚴重受阻
乘客可使用 Citymapper 重新計劃「點對點」行程或考慮其他交通工具
📲 http://citymapper.com
ℹ️ 部分東鐵綫列車會於抵站後停止服務,或改往其他目的地以紓緩擠塞情況
Faulty train at University Station, severe delays on East Rail Line
Consider other transport or re-plan your point-to-point journey Citymapper
📲 http://citymapper.com
ℹ️ Some services on East Rail Line may terminate or change destinations at short notice to ease congestion
Listen to announcements and check info screens
The operations control will also dispatch empty trains once necessary to relieve the crowd
乘客可使用 Citymapper 重新計劃「點對點」行程或考慮其他交通工具
📲 http://citymapper.com
ℹ️ 部分東鐵綫列車會於抵站後停止服務,或改往其他目的地以紓緩擠塞情況
Faulty train at University Station, severe delays on East Rail Line
Consider other transport or re-plan your point-to-point journey Citymapper
📲 http://citymapper.com
ℹ️ Some services on East Rail Line may terminate or change destinations at short notice to ease congestion
Listen to announcements and check info screens
The operations control will also dispatch empty trains once necessary to relieve the crowd