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OHKYA 安港學盟 dan repost


同時9月30日 (活動翌日)都係National Day for Truth and reconciliation(全國真相與和解日),我哋到時亦有啲講加拿大原住民嘅遊戲玩下,等大家對佢哋都了解多啲!

🗓️日期:9月29日 星期日
⏰時間:2pm - 5pm
🪧地點:另行通知 (Spadina Subway Station附近) (報名後之後會有朋友send活動詳情同地址俾你)
🥮活動內容:食野、整迷你燈籠(會提供材料)、打牌etc (❌煲蠟)


*報名link in bio*

活動由Worker Action Centre鼎力支持

好難得一個local threater放咁多香港電影😁可以share俾住係Hamilton嘅香港朋友仔或者大家road trip去support下:

1. https://www.thewestdale.ca/event/the-sunny-side-of-the-street/


3. https://www.thewestdale.ca/event/lost-love/



地點:Queen’s Park


如果係拎Owp過嚟嘅人應該都會知道要開始做嘢六個月之後,僱主先會出信比你去申請OHIP。而中間呢段時間係無保險保障大家嘅(除非你自己有買其他醫療保險)。做Part-Time 或者係self-employed 嘅人就要是乎情況而定,可能需要自己額外買保險。

政府取消提供免費醫療服務係會令我哋,同埋其他因各種因素而唔係以work permit 身分嚟做嘢嘅人更加危險。好多醫生已經指出取消呢項措施會反而增加醫療負擔,因為唔係個個都負擔得起昂貴嘅醫療保險。所以咁做係會令更多人走去緊急服務(ER) 同埋延遲尋求醫療服務。好多人會病得好嚴重先會睇醫生。



如想獲取更多資訊,請follow @healthforallnow

OHKYA 聯同 @students4hk 同其他大學喺11月一齊舉辦嘅Week of Remembrance當中,最後一項活動將會係喺11月25號舉辦《理大圍城》放映會,希望可以令更多人了解2019年11月香港理工大學同香港警察嘅戰役。映後我哋會設有社區小組討論環節。我哋會就流散香港人嘅身份認同、對海外香港人社區的想像,以及未來海外抗爭嘅方向等議題進行討論。我哋希望提供一個平台比大家就呢啲議題分享下自己嘅意見。我哋會將各位嘅想法整合,然後發佈喺社交網站,等更多嚟唔到嘅人都可以參與討論,一齊建立海外香港人社區嘅論述。

報名連結喺度 RSVP here: https://forms.gle/Kh8Sf2tCskEdAYDZ9

報名截止日期:11月23日 晚上11:59 EST
Deadline: Nov 23, 11:59 p.m. EST

- 日期:2022年11月25日
- 時間:晚上6時30分 - 9時30分(放映 + 映後社區對話)
- 地點:多倫多 (TTC 可到達)(地點詳情將於確認名額後通知)
- 費用:費用全免
- 名額:每份所提交之報名表格為一個名額。名額有限,所有名額先到先得;敬請留意。名額確認需時處理,請耐心等待。謝謝。

11月12日 Nov 12th, 2022
線上分享會 — 大學戰之反思: 今日香港與海外的連結
Online Townhall – Reflection on the University Siege and Reorientation of the movement

2019年11月,香港中文大學與理工大學淪為抗爭者與警察之間的戰場,當中警方圍攻理工大學十三日,是為香港抗爭史中黑暗的一章。我們邀請了學生抗爭者Ah Jeng阿正、前醫管局員工陣線(已關閉)副主席羅卓堯、社運人士周永康、記者Laurel Chor左力丰、心理學家Adrienne 分享對理大圍城及中大保衛戰的經歷或感想,並討論香港民主運動的前景。我們誠邀各位參與並分享是次線上座談會相關資訊。

Three years ago in November of 2019, the campuses of CUHK and PolyU became a central battlefield between the protestors and police. Join Students4HK for an online conversation with Hong Kong student protester Ah Jeng, journalist Laurel Chor, activist Ivan Law and Alex Chow, and clinical psychologist Adrienne as they share their experiences and observation in the context of the November 2019 university sieges during Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement, and also discuss their work and vision to continue the fight from abroad.

Time: 1:00-2:30 pm EST // 10-11:30 am PST// 6-7:30 pm BT
RSVP: bit.ly/HKtownhall (link in bio)
Townhall organized by: @hk_mcgill @hkaaberk @nyuhksag @hkdhra_uw @mcmaster_swhk @ohkya___ @pennstate_students4hk @speal_cornell @ucsdhkcs


Ah Jeng 阿正 is a student activist and the director of a UK-based Community Interest Company. Jeng will be sharing his experience inside Poly U during the siege and his current work focusing on youth and community for the Hong Kong diaspora in the UK.

Laurel Chor 左力丰 is an Emmy-nominated freelance journalist, photographer, filmmaker, and National Geographic Explorer from Hong Kong. Chor will share her experience and observation reporting at the Poly U siege.

Adrienne is a researcher and clinical psychologist from Hong Kong involved in raising awareness and providing mental health support to overseas Hongkongers. Adrienne will be sharing the results of a mental health survey she and her colleagues conducted during the protests.

Ivan Law 羅卓堯 is the former Vice Chairman of the (now disbanded) Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA). Law will be sharing his observations on Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement over the years, with a particular focus on the shift of street politics and the relationships between participants and organizers.

Alex Chow 周永康 is currently the board chair of the Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC), a Washington-based advocacy organization for Hong Kong. Chow will share his experience and how he navigated different historical moments, including the 2014 Umbrella Movement, the 2019 Anti-Extradition Protest, and the post-NSL pro-democracy movement.

——————#GlobalWeekofRemembrance #StudentsForHongKong #Students4HK #HongKongProtest #CUHK #PolyU

Alliance Canada Hong Kong dan repost
Want to understand how the CCP affects the Canadian government and our resistance?

其中一個方法係留意住加國議會嘅加中關係特別委員會 (CACN)。
One of the ways is through the Special Committee on Canada-People’s Republic of China Relations (CACN).

CACN 會議時間 :
CACN meeting times :

每週二 東岸時間 下午六點半
Every Tuesday 6:30pm EST.
喺呢度睇 Watch here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/CACN/Meetings

CACN is currently studying:

* 中共對加拿大嘅滲透
* Foreign influence and interference in Canada
* 委員會嘅議員亦對中國對台灣嘅侵略、加中國際貿易同經濟關係深表興趣
* MPs also expressed strong interest to investigate: PRC’s aggression against Taiwan; Canada’s international trade and economic relationship with the PRC.


Alliance Canada Hong Kong dan repost
今日,ACHK 與其他人權組織一同向加拿大候任駐中華人民共和國大使作出了簡報。
Today, along with diaspora and human rights organizations, ACHK presented to the Canadian Ambassador-designate to the People’s Republic of China.

以下係 ACHK 向 Jennifer May 大使嘅簡報記錄
Below is the transcript of ACHK’s briefing to Ambassador Jennifer May:

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. We know you must be busy in preparing for your upcoming assignment. 

To tell you a little about ACHK, we are a collective of community members and organizations across Canada. ACHK is a volunteer-run organization that started in 2020 - at the height of the protest movement in Hong Kong. Our organization is supported and informed by the transnational Canada-Hong Kong communities. We are in solidarity with Uyghur, Tibetan, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Indigenous communities from coast to coast. 


UNI-Verse @ CFSO dan repost
Hong Kong Pathway依嗰政策話咁快已經推出咗1年有多,為咗更有效咁了解依個政策同埋服務加拿大香港人,UNI-Verse同家和推出左一個全國性問卷,想邀請StreamA/ B嘅朋友仔幫手用10分鐘時間做個匿名問卷。問卷結果將可以幫助到UNI-Verse、家和同其他組織用作政治倡議同社區發展之用。你哋嘅參與真係好重要!記住快啲分享埋俾其他朋友仔填啦!

**UNI-Verse 是加拿大註冊慈善及社福機構「家和」轄下的社區計劃,專為新移民青年建立社區支援網絡, 你的寶貴意見有助我們了解香港人移民加拿大的經歷,這是一個匿名調查表,不需要提供私人資料,資料內容只會用作政治倡議,務求更有效地為香港人海外社區爭取權益。如對此調查表有任何問題,請電郵universe@cfso.care,多謝。


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