Kanal geosi va tili: Xitoy, Xitoycha
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Borboys wildfire【 est. 2020 】torch the scene with 15 demonic purr`veyor of both chaos & charm. Their laughter a scorching symphony, echoes as they leave a trail of unforgettable mischief.
Reach out to @borboys15bot our – 舞 effervescent point of contact.

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Kanal geosi va tili
Xitoy, Xitoycha
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sebentar lg guys

doain semoga hari ini kita bertiga keterima snbp undip, ub, dan ugm


guys mohon doanya untuk aku, jeco, sama jendra ya

Hello @Telegram, I would like to convey that, there is no action that violates the terms and conditions of telegram here, I hope, telegram has a wise way, in managing problems, before doing strict action, such as banning/blocking a telegram channel, thank you @Durov.

for @telegram, please don't ban this channel. this channel is still active and there is no problem, please don't report. Thank you @Durov.

ingin ku berkata kontol


noa imuy babget

us day 1, udh nyiapin cheat sheet tp gbs nyontek soalnya duduk depan guru persis anjirlah


jahat ya

tp kanaya ga ucapin aju

tgl 2

kemarin sih

aku ultah

Rental gua @dantee

Halo bang

good luck broo

tanggung bgt, seandainya 2 org mengundurkan diri, aku bisa masuk

sedih bgt bjirlah

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.