Postlar filtri
- Fix root implementation check

87.8k 47 1k 204 1.2k
- Fix a few instability and performance issues
- Fix support for 32bit apps
- Improve module description

103.1k 8 460 157 1k
- Drop dependency on tmpfs workdir and don't rely on any mounts
- Refine hiding mechanism
- Improve stability and compatibility (Recommend updating ZygiskNext to latest version to perform optimally)

124.8k 8 752 180 1.3k
- Refine hiding mechanism
- Fix minor bugs

109.3k 15 651 191 1.3k

LSPosed 内部测试开始
LSPosed internal testing begins

echo aHR0cHM6Ly90Lm1lLytWb1g3U1N6UjZVVXlOMkkx | base64 -d

If you have any questions about being banned or kicked out of the internal testing group, please ask the admin in discussion group, no PM.

163.8k 153 233 1k 1.9k

We have noticed that many human users have requested to join our discussion group but have troubles completing the CAPTCHA. If you face issues, you can re-request to join and try again later, try another CAPTCHA bot if one is not working, update your Telegram client (do NOT use Telegram X as it does not support WebView), etc. If the problem persists, reply to this message to get manual approval:
(If you don't understand what the message mean, you don't need to understand)
(This is NOT for joining internal test program)

我们注意到很多人类用户申请加入我们的讨论组但无法通过加群验证。如果你遇到问题,可以尝试稍后重新申请加群、尝试用另一个机器人验证、升级你的 Telegram 客户端(不要用 Telegram X 因为它不支持 WebView)等。如果还是不行,可以回复这条消息,我们手动批准:

206.2k 0 33 131 920

253.2k 3 738 360 1k

由于昨天我们用于加速中国用户访问模块仓库的 CDN 被攻击造成 CDN 单日费用超 100 美元,我们决定停止加速中国用户对模块仓库的访问。

173.3k 0 106 277 2.4k

canyie channel dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Demo video for exploiting a vulnerability in Magisk that allows local apps to gain root access without any confirmation or acceptance and execute arbitrary code with root privileges. It demonstrates silently obtaining root privileges and silently granting root to any app.

演示视频,利用 Magisk 中的一个漏洞静默获取 root 权限并以 root 特权执行任意代码而无需用户确认。我们同时展示了如何利用此漏洞向任意 app 静默授权 root。

153.8k 0 389 175 1k

To everyone in our discussion group:
We have noticed that many users delete all their messages after speaking in our discussion group. We understand that you may do this for various reasons, but deleting a large number of messages at one time will cause the group recent actions to load very laggy, causing inconvenience to group admins. Regardless of your reason, such behavior will be regarded as malicious interference with group management. Doing so may get you muted or banned. Please do not abuse the function of deleting messages.


168.8k 0 41 123 1.3k


215k 3 440 255 971
- Improve compatibility with some modules and upcoming ZygiskNext update
- Require Magisk Canary 27005+ or KernelSU 11903+ due to XZ zip format change

243.5k 296 1.7k 350 1.4k
- Support Magisk Canary 27003
- Provide better hiding for font modules
- Minor bug fixes and compatibility updates
- Drop redundant resetprop handling

278k 6 786 402 2.1k

在经过团队讨论后,LSPosed 项目组决定招募内部测试人员。该测试将采用内部部署方式进行,测试版本将仅通过内部渠道分发。



内部测试版本将通过一个私有的 Telegram 群组进行分发。希望参与测试的用户需提交申请,并提供其 GitHub ID 以供审核。审核通过后,用户将被授权加入该群组。


After team discussions, LSPosed project group has decided to recruit internal testers. The testing will be conducted through internal deployment, and the test versions will only be distributed through internal channels.

Selected beta testers should possess basic operational skills, know how to recover a bricked device, and be able to provide logs to developers. Beta testers will provide their testing services voluntarily and are required to adhere to confidentiality obligations, strictly prohibiting the sharing of any test software packages with others. Please note that beta testers will not have access to the software's source code.

Upon completion of the software testing, depending on the results and other relevant factors, the project team will decide whether to resume public releases and consider open-sourcing the software entirely or partially.

The internal test versions will be distributed through a private Telegram group. Users wishing to participate in the testing must submit an application and provide their GitHub ID for review. Once approved, users will be authorized to join the group.

Details on how to apply to join the group will be announced later.

320k 8 197 660 3.8k

Would you like LSPosed to resume maintenance? / 阁下是否希望 LSPosed 恢复维护?
  •   No / 不希望
  •   Yes, and do NOT care if it's open-source / 希望,并且不介意是否开源
  •   Yes, and will only use the open-source version / 希望,并且只会使用开源版本
15274 ta ovoz

301k 7 215 848 3.8k

And YES! We finally have a working LSPosed on RISCV64 architecture! 😉

264.5k 0 70 130 1.4k

Our simple native inline hook now works on RISCV 🤩. The next step is of course LSPosed on RISCV 😏.

174.6k 1 30 12 661

First Magisk run with Zygisk on RISCV64?

185.6k 4 72 40 781

Microsoft is ending support for the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA). As a result, the Amazon Appstore on Windows and all applications and games dependent on WSA will no longer be supported beginning March 5, 2025.

Right after we made MagiskOnWSA work again

233.8k 7 218 134 805

Notification: Xposed Modules Repository was taken down by GitHub. We don't know why.
Recovered now. Still wondering why.

292.1k 14 211 176 888
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.