#WeCare Support Channel

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Категория: Психология

We would like to cordially invite you to join the #WeCare Telegram channel. Subscribe to us for announcements, motivational pictures, inspirational quotes, tips, information on mental health, self-development and more!

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Hi Maybankers!

Burnout can sneak up on us, but rest is key to thriving. By identifying type of rest that we need, we can put on some efforts to get the rest that we need, so that our mind and body will get the rest that they deserves.

These are 7 impactful and meaningful types of rest to help you recharge.

Don't forget to incorporate these types of rest into our daily routine.
Remember, rest is essential!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Practicing gratitude can significantly boost our well-being and outlook on life. Here are some things we might be grateful for today:

1. A roof over our head
2. Friends around us
3. Morning coffee to start the day
4. Plenty of food on our table
5. A loving family
6. A warm, cozy bed
7. Good health
8. How far we've come in life
9. The beauty of nature around us
10. Kindness from strangers

What are you grateful for today? Let's take a moment to appreciate these simple joys that can brighten our day!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Hi Maybanker!

Did you know? Balancing work and personal life is essential for our well-being. Here are some effective tips to help achieve that balance:

1. Unplug After Work: Disconnect from work emails and calls to relax and recharge.

2. Journaling: Write down thoughts and feelings to process the day and relieve stress.

3. Plan Days Off in Advance: Ensure dedicated time for ourselves by planning ahead.

4. Social Life After Work: Spend quality time with friends and family for mental health.

5. Exercise/Meditation: Regular physical activity and meditation reduce stress and improve health.

Let Go of Perfectionism: Aim for excellence but know when good is good enough.

Achieving work-life balance helps us stay productive, happy, and healthy. Let's make these tips a part of our routine!

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Hi Maybankers!

Recognizing signs that our mental health is improving can be incredibly empowering and enhance both our lives and performance. These are a few signs that show our mental health is getting better:

1. We are tackling chores we previously put off.
2. We have a healthier appetite.
3. We have a better self-image.
4. We are setting boundaries for friends and colleagues.
5. We indulge more in self-care.
6. We feel more confident than before.

Thank you and have a great day, everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Did you know? Every person needs their 7 types of rest to recharge effectively and maintain our overall well-being.

Here is the 7 types of rest that every person need. Let's try to at least implement some of them into our life!

Thank you and have a great day everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Did you know? Dialectical Behavorial Therapy (DBT) GIVE skills is a transformative approach to building and maintaining healthy relationships. By practicing Genuineness, Interest, Validation, and Easy Manner, we can communicate more effectively and foster stronger connections.

Here’s how we can start:

✨ Genuineness: Be honest and sincere to build trust.
🤝 Interest: Show genuine interest in others to strengthen bonds.
🙌 Validation: Acknowledge and validate others' feelings for mutual respect.
😊 Easy Manner: Maintain a relaxed and approachable demeanor to create a positive atmosphere.

These practices can significantly enhance our relationships and pave the way for a more fulfilling life.
Don't forget to practise these GIVE skills and enjoy a day filled with meaningful connections!

Have an amazing day, everyone!

Good morning Maybankers,

How's everyone doing?

Today, we find ourselves in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah! Excited to engage with our Maybank family here as part of our Mental Well-being Roadshow 2024. These few days are going to be filled with insightful talks, activities, games and honest sharing sessions. To our followers on Telegram who are based in Sabah, do let us know if you would like for us to arrange a counselling session, we'd be happy to do so!

Any queries regarding the Roadshow in Sabah, do email to amani.zulkeffli@maybank.com.

Take care and stay safe everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Did you know? EQ empowers us to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as perceive, comprehend, and influence the emotions of others.

Boost our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to unlock our full potential! Enhance our ability to recognize and manage emotions, maintain positivity and resilience, connect deeply with others' feelings, and foster strong relationships. Elevate our EQ and transform our lives!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Have you heard of mastering our 5 M's?

Mastering our 5 M's is a transformative approach to achieving balance and success in both personal and professional life. By controlling our Mouth, Mind, Mood, Manner, and Money, we can navigate challenges with greater ease and confidence.

Here’s how we can start:

Mouth: Be mindful of our words to foster positive communication.
Mind: Maintain a focused and positive mindset for clarity and resilience.
Mood: Regulate our emotions to ensure emotional well-being.
Manner: Refine our interactions to build better relationships.
Money: Manage our finances wisely for financial stability.

These practices can significantly enhance our well-being and pave the way for a more fulfilling life.

Embrace the journey to mastery and enjoy a day filled with balance and success!

Have an amazing day, everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Have you ever heard about Butterfly Hugs?

Butterfly Hugs is a powerful method for self-soothing and managing stress, helping us to calm our mind and body during challenging times.

The Butterfly Hug involves crossing our arms over our chest and gently tapping our shoulders in an alternating rhythm. This simple yet effective technique can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of inner peace.

Don't forget to try and embrace the calmness!

Have a great day ahead, everyone!

Hi Maybankers!

Have you ever heard about D.E.A.R.M.A.N.?

It's a powerful tool for enhancing your interpersonal effectiveness by helping you clearly articulate your needs, set healthy boundaries, and build stronger relationships.

Here are some information and description of D.E.AR.M.A.N Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills

Don’t miss out on learning about this transformative skill!

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Hi everyone, Let's Elevate Our Health!

Mental Well-being, Stakeholder Solutions, Group Human Capital will be collaborating with Human Capital and Ops Family, Group Insurance and Takaful, for a Wellness Expo next week, so join us for this empowering event🥳


Date: 26th June 2024 (TODAY!)
Time: 12pm onwards
Venue: Dataran Maybank, Bangsar


-#RightFootForward - Take Action On Anxiety- Art Therapy Session
-Meet Your Mental Health First Aiders
-Blood Donation Drive
-Health Fair (Glucose Test, Foot Analysis, Vaccination Consultation, Anxiety Awareness, and MANY MORE!)

Check out the event poster for registration info and extensive details- Don't miss out, see you there! 😉 #HolisticHealthMatters

LTIO2 Post Engagement QnA.pdf
Hi good afternoon, Maybankers!

A great big thank you to all Maybankers who joined us for our Let’s Talk It Out Webinar on the topic “Juggling Multiple Roles In Our Lives”. We are grateful to know that the content was impactful to many of you and had a great time engaging with all of you on this topic.

For those who were unable to join us live, you can watch the recording here:


Passcode: Juggle@24

Since we received a lot of questions during the session, we have compiled ALL of the unanswered questions during the Q&A session, and they are all answered offline by our panellists. You can find them in the attached pdf file.

Once again, thank you so much, and see you for the next one!

Hi everyone, Let's Elevate Our Health!

Mental Well-being, Stakeholder Solutions, Group Human Capital will be collaborating with Human Capital and Ops Family, Group Insurance and Takaful, for a Wellness Expo next week, so join us for this empowering event🥳


Date: 26th June 2024
Time: 12pm onwards
Venue: Dataran Maybank, Bangsar


-#RightFootForward - Take Action On Anxiety- Art Therapy Session
-Meet Your Mental Health First Aiders
-Blood Donation Drive
-Health Fair (Glucose Test, Foot Analysis, Vaccination Consultation, Anxiety Awareness, and MANY MORE!)

Check out the event poster for registration info and extensive details- Don't miss out, see you there! 😉 #HolisticHealthMatters

Good morning, Maybankers!

Are you currently feeling stressed? Here are some quick tips to help:

1) Take Breaks: Short, regular breaks can help reduce stress and boost productivity.
2) Stay Active: Physical activity, even a short walk, can clear your mind.
3) Connect: Talk to friends or colleagues. Sharing your thoughts can lighten the load.
4) Prioritize: Focus on the most important tasks first to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
5) Practice Mindfulness: Meditation and deep breathing can help calm your mind.

Remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. We're all in this together!

Have a great day, everyone! :)

Eid Mubarak! 🌙✨

We extend our heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones on this blessed occasion of Hari Raya Aidiladha. May your sacrifices be accepted, and your prayers be answered. Let your homes be filled with joy, and your hearts be at peace. As we commemorate this day, let's embrace the values of faith, compassion, and togetherness. May this Eid bring you lasting happiness and prosperity.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Hi Maybankers!

On 28th May 2024, in conjunction with the Health Screening event at Mercu Maybank, Shah Alam, we also had our "Me, Myself & Mental Health" engagement with fellow employees.

Our objective was to provide comprehensive information to Maybankers on available support channels and address mental health-related questions that employees may have. This way, everyone gets to learn, stay updated and be more well-informed!

Stay tuned for more mental health-related engagements ✨

Good morning Maybankers,

Don't forget to give ourselves space despite the hustle and bustle of daily.

Here are some tips for us to enjoy take care of ourselves.

Thank you and have a great day, everyone!

Attention Maybankers in PKP Region!

We are beyond excited to announce that we will be seeing you in person real soon!

Our Mental Well-being Roadshow for 2024 will be kicking off in Penang from the 11-13 June 2024. If you’d like to join one of our sessions, be sure to email your respective BHC representative.

If you’d like to book a counselling session, you can register here:


The slots will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. You will receive a confirmation email from the Mental Well-being Team with the details for the counselling session.

See you there!

A Great Big Thank You!

To all Maybankers who joined us for our Let’s Talk It Out Webinar conducted yesterday on the topic “Juggling Multiple Roles In Our Lives”.

We are grateful to know that the content was impactful to many of you and had a great time engaging with all of you on this topic.

For those who were unable to join us live yesterday, you can watch the recording here:


Passcode: Juggle@24

We did not have time to attend to ALL of the many questions we received during the Q&A session, but rest assured we will be getting them answered offline by our panellists and will share here once ready.

Once again, thank you so much, and see you for the next one!

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