🏛Sha Tin Magistrates' Court1 #STC1
👨🏻⚖️Mr CHEUNG Chi Wai, David (Acting Principal Magistrate) #CHEUNGCWD
#Mention #ViolationofProbationOrder
Charge: Criminal damage
TAI was charged that on September 24, 2019, in Subway NS36, Fo Tan Rd., Sha Tin, without lawful excuse spray-painted walls and pasted posters, damaged walls and ground of a subway belonging to Highways Department intending to damage such property or being reckless as to whether such property would be damaged.
TAI pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a 12-month probation order on November 30, 2021.
📌Today’s hearing
TAI appears in court in person, again. The Magistrate only states that TAI has violated the probation order progress report without precise details.
TAI applies for an adjournment. The Magistrate reminds him to hire a private lawyer before the next hearing.
Bail is granted on $100 cash.
Hearing is set on September 9, 2022.
👨🏻⚖️Mr CHEUNG Chi Wai, David (Acting Principal Magistrate) #CHEUNGCWD
#Mention #ViolationofProbationOrder
Charge: Criminal damage
TAI was charged that on September 24, 2019, in Subway NS36, Fo Tan Rd., Sha Tin, without lawful excuse spray-painted walls and pasted posters, damaged walls and ground of a subway belonging to Highways Department intending to damage such property or being reckless as to whether such property would be damaged.
TAI pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a 12-month probation order on November 30, 2021.
📌Today’s hearing
TAI appears in court in person, again. The Magistrate only states that TAI has violated the probation order progress report without precise details.
TAI applies for an adjournment. The Magistrate reminds him to hire a private lawyer before the next hearing.
Bail is granted on $100 cash.
Hearing is set on September 9, 2022.