
Гео и язык канала: Китай, Китайский
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Гео и язык канала
Китай, Китайский
Фильтр публикаций

$TON 生态9月上线3个头部项目

✅ #Notcoin 扶持的 LostDogs: 9月12日游戏结束,预计会有发布空投日期;

✅ #Catizen:9月20日空投 + 现货交易

✅ #HamsterKombat : 9月26日空投 + 现货交易


$TON ecosystem will launch 3 major projects in September

✅ #Notcoin-supported LostDogs: The game ends on September 12, and the airdrop date is expected to be announced;

✅ #Catizen: Airdrop + spot trading on September 20;

✅ #HamsterKombat: Airdrop + spot trading on September 26.



⚠️⚠️The top phishing groups are currently targeting these three hot ecosystems: EVM/TON/Tron... Take three seconds to stay calm before signing anything❗️


📢📢Telegram has not removed the privacy statement regarding chats from the FAQ but has instead moved it to the answer for the question, "A bot or channel is infringing on my copyright, what should I do?"

✅ Additionally, in the section "Do you process takedown requests from third parties?", they emphasize that they can remove sticker sets infringing on intellectual property rights or bots promoting pornography or terrorism. However, this does not apply to local restrictions on freedom of speech. For instance, if criticizing the government is illegal in a certain country, Telegram will not participate in such politically motivated censorship.

✅ Previously, there were rumors that Telegram had quietly updated its FAQ and removed the statement, "All Telegram chats and group chats are private conversations between their participants. We do not process any requests related to them."



✅ 同时,其在“是否会处理来自第三方的删除请求”中也强调,他们可以删除侵犯知识产权的贴纸集或色情、恐怖主义机器人,这不适用于当地对言论自由的限制。例如,如果批评政府在某个国家是非法的,那么Telegram就不会成为这种出于政治动机的审查制度的一部分。

✅ 此前消息,网传Telegram悄悄更新了常见问题解答(FAQ),删除了“所有Telegram聊天和群聊都是参与者之间的私密聊天。我们不处理与它们相关的任何请求。”


🚀 Telegram 更新 FAQ 删除隐私保护声明

据报道,9月6日,即时通讯应用 Telegram 更新了其常见问题解答(FAQ)页面,删除了一项重要的隐私保护声明。被删除的内容为:“所有 Telegram 聊天和群聊都是参与者之间的私密对话。我们不处理与这些聊天相关的任何请求。”

此前消息,Telegram 创始人兼 CEO Pavel Durov 在回应法国被捕事件时表示,承诺将“显著改善”平台对犯罪活动的监管。

#Telegram #隐私保护 #聊天 #群聊 #PavelDurov #监管 #科技新闻


According to reports, on September 6, the instant messaging app Telegram updated its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and removed an important privacy protection statement. The deleted content read: "All Telegram chats and group chats are private conversations between participants. We do not process any requests related to these chats."

Earlier, Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, responded to an arrest incident in France, promising to "significantly improve" the platform's monitoring of criminal activities.


📢📢 After being arrested in France, Telegram founder Pavel Durov spoke out via Telegram, stating, "The claim that Telegram is some kind of anarchist paradise is absolutely untrue.

✅ We remove millions of harmful posts and channels every day and publish daily transparency reports. We also have direct communication channels with NGOs to handle urgent regulatory requests more efficiently.

✅ Telegram's user base has rapidly grown to 950 million, which has caused growing pains for the platform and made it easier for criminals to abuse it. That's why I've made it my personal goal to significantly improve this situation. We've already started this process internally, and I will soon share more details about the progress with everyone."


📢📢 Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 在法国被捕后通过 Telegram 发声表示,“Telegram 是某种无政府主义天堂的说法是绝对不真实。

✅ 我们每天都会删除数百万个有害的帖子和频道。并发布每日透明度报告,与非政府组织有直接的联系渠道,以便更快地处理紧急的监管请求。

✅ Telegram 用户数快速增长到 9.5 亿,导致平台出现了成长的阵痛,使犯罪分子更容易滥用平台。这就是为什么我将显著改善这一情况作为我的个人目标。我们已经在内部开始了这个过程,并且很快会与大家分享更多关于进展的细节。”


🪧 俄罗斯总统普京周四在经济论坛上表示,他不理解法国对 #Telegram 创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫采取的行动。杜罗夫上周在法国被正式立案调查。

✅ 普京表示,几年前曾见过杜罗夫一次,但此后一直没有保持联系,也没有再见过面。

✅ 法国对杜罗夫的调查与 #Telegram 平台被用于诈骗、洗钱和儿童色情等犯罪有关。杜罗夫的律师称针对他的诉讼是荒谬的。


🪧 Russian President Putin stated at an economic forum on Thursday that he does not understand France's actions against #Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Durov was formally placed under investigation in France last week.

✅ Putin mentioned that he had met Durov once several years ago, but they have not been in contact or met since.

✅ The investigation in France against Durov is related to the use of the #Telegram platform for crimes such as fraud, money laundering, and child pornography. Durov's lawyer has called the lawsuit against him absurd.


📢超过 100 个应用整合将 USDT-TON 带入每个人的口袋。

TON 上的 USDT已实现重要里程碑,现在已在全球 100 多个平台上可用🔥🎉🎉

✅ 从中心化交易所到创新支付平台和关键基础设施提供商,我们比以往任何时候都更接近我们的目标,即让 TON 上的 USDt 成为世界上最易获取的稳定币。


More than 100 applications have integrated USDt-TON, bringing it into everyone’s pocket.

USDt on TON has reached a significant milestone and is now available on over 100 platforms worldwide

✅ From centralized exchanges to innovative payment platforms and key infrastructure providers, we are closer than ever to our goal of making USDt on TON the most accessible stablecoin in the world.



✅ 联合国在周二的简报会上,对逮捕和指控Telegram消息应用创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫表示了严重的人权关切。

✅ 联合国发言人呼吁遵守国际人权标准,强调在监管社交媒体平台时需要合法性和比例性。


The United Nations Raises Human Rights Concerns Over the Case of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

✅ In a briefing on Tuesday, the United Nations expressed serious human rights concerns regarding the arrest and charges against Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram.

✅ A UN spokesperson called for adherence to international human rights standards, emphasizing the need for legality and proportionality when regulating social media platforms.


🔥 Binance 新增 $TON 到 Simple Earn 定期产品:年化收益率高达 5.9%

✅ 继 Launchpool 和 Super Earn 的成功之后,币安现在将 $TON 引入到其 Simple Earn 定期产品中。
✅ 年化收益率 5.9%。可以选择 30 天、60 天或 90 天的期限。
✅ 活动时间:2024 年 9 月 3 日 18:00 至 2024 年 9 月 23 日 18:00,名额有限,先到先得。


🔥 Binance Adds $TON to Simple Earn Locked Products: Up to 5.9% Annual Yield

✅ Following the success of Launchpool and Super Earn, Binance now introduces $TON to its Simple Earn locked products.

✅ Annual yield of 5.9%. Available terms of 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days.

✅ Event period: From September 3, 2024, 18:00 to September 23, 2024, 18:00. Limited slots, first come, first served.


TON 每日活跃用户数达 110 万,创下新高📈📈

✅ 今天,TON 创下新里程碑,每日链上活跃用户数达 110 万,创历史新高!仅本周,每日活跃用户数就连续三天超过 100 万。

✅ TON 的链上活动持续增长,表明 TON 生态系统正在蓬勃发展,比以往任何时候都更加强大。

🔗 Token Terminal


TON Reaches a New Record with 1.1 Million Daily Active Users📈📈

✅ Today, TON has achieved a new milestone with its daily on-chain active users reaching 1.1 million, setting a new record! In this week alone, the number of daily active users has exceeded 1 million for three consecutive days.

✅ The continued growth in on-chain activity indicates that the TON ecosystem is thriving and stronger than ever.

For more in-depth data, please visit 🔗 Token Terminal


💎 $TON 区块链达成10亿笔交易 ,这是一个重要的里程碑!

✅ 其区块链上的交易量已经超过了10亿笔,,其中一半交易量是在过去三个月内发生的,显示出该平台的快速增长和日益普及。

✅ 根据TON API数据,交易量已超过13亿笔,这凸显了TON在未来区块链生态系统中的关键作用。


💎 $TON Blockchain Reaches 1 Billion Transactions, a Significant Milestone!

✅ The transaction volume on its blockchain has exceeded 1 billion, with half of these transactions occurring in the past three months, demonstrating the platform's rapid growth and increasing popularity.

✅ According to TON API data, the transaction count has surpassed 1.3 billion, highlighting TON's critical role in the future of the blockchain ecosystem.


Telegram 2023 年财务报表公布。报告显示,Telegram 3.425 亿美元的收入中超过 40% 来自加密交易,其中 Toncoin 等数字资产发挥了重要作用。


✅ 2023 年收入 3.425 亿美元
✅ 1.08 亿美元营业亏损
✅ 总资产 9.582 亿美元
✅ 持有近 4 亿美元数字资产
✅ 通过可转换债券筹集 23 亿美元
✅ 杜罗夫于 2023 年购买了价值 6,400 万美元的 Telegram 债券


"Telegram's 2023 financial statements have been released. The report shows that over 40% of Telegram's $342.5 million in revenue came from crypto transactions, with digital assets such as Toncoin playing a significant role.

Other key metrics include:

✅ 2023 revenue of $342.5 million
✅ $108 million operating loss ✅ Total assets of $958.2 million
✅ Nearly $400 million in digital assets held
✅ $2.3 billion raised through convertible bonds
✅ Durov purchased $64 million worth of Telegram bonds in 2023


韩国警方对 #Telegram 公司展开调查,涉嫌协助深度伪造性犯罪。此次调查是韩国首次针对Telegram进行。随着国际社会对Telegram相关犯罪的担忧加剧,韩国政府展现了积极的调查态度。


"The South Korean police have launched an investigation into Telegram for allegedly facilitating deepfake sexual crimes. This is the first time South Korea has conducted an investigation into Telegram. As concerns about Telegram-related crimes increase internationally, the South Korean government has shown a proactive stance in its investigation."


📢 上周CoinGecko 上最热门的 30 种代币,$DOGS 位居第一,其次是$TON 和$CAT 。


📢 The 30 Most Popular Tokens on CoinGecko Last Week, $DOGS took the first place, followed by $TON and $CAT.


🐻 关于 #HamsterKombat 上市的近期状况:

✅ Hamster Kombat 将于9月26日上市
✅ #OKX 和 #Bitget 官方确认 $HMTSR 将在该日期上线现货交易
✅ #HamsterKombat 在机器人中添加了 OKX 的提现选项
✅ 几乎所有主要交易所都已推出 $HMSTR 的预售市场。Binance 已将 $HMTSR 的价格添加到网站上。会不会上币安我们拭目以待 ~

🎮国内游戏开发者正在转向 $TON 区块链 ~

✅ 国内游戏开发者正在积极关注TON区块链上的游戏开发。在像 #Notcoin 和 #Catizen 这样简单游戏取得成功后,许多中国公司,包括小型和中型工作室,开始考虑在这个区块链平台上开发和推广他们的项目。
✅ $TON 因其与 #Telegram 的集成吸引了这帮人,Telegram提供了接触全球9亿用户的机会。
✅ 大家都觉得 $TON 是一个突破传统游戏平台限制的机会,能够避开国内市场面临的复杂许可和监管问题。
✅ 这个可能使中国游戏公司能够快速推出项目,能够走向国际化的很好的机会。



The official TON Telegram channel recently announced that its "Digital Resistance" movement is continuing to expand, with 4 million people having signed the open letter so far.

🔗 查看历史消息,点击此文档


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📰 法国总统马克龙:不知晓Pavel Durov抵达法国,并没有计划与其会面 ~

💬 法国总统说:“就我而言,我完全不知晓Pavel Durov先生会来法国。这很正常,因为我不知道有来自世界各地的人来法国,无论他们是否拥有法国国籍。”

🤑 法国总统随后重申,Pavel Durov的案件将由“法国司法系统的独立行动”处理。 法国因逮捕Durov的决定而面临国际社会的广泛反对,而马克龙坚称拘留这位科技企业家的决定不是出于政治目的。

📰 French President Macron: Unaware of Pavel Durov’s Arrival in France, No Plans to Meet with Him ~

💬 The French President stated, “As far as I am concerned, I was completely unaware that Mr. Pavel Durov would be coming to France. This is normal, as I am not informed of people coming to France from around the world, whether or not they have French nationality.”

🤑 The French President then reiterated that Pavel Durov’s case would be handled by “the independent actions of the French judicial system.” France faces widespread international criticism for the decision to arrest Durov, but Macron insists that the decision to detain the tech entrepreneur was not politically motivated.

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