喺上水站嘅情況見到,一名乘客喺扶手電梯左邊行走時,撞跌旁邊嘅另一位乘客,繼而導致身後嘅幾位乘客相繼跌倒,其中兩名仲因此轆咗落電梯 😨
Here is the scene at Sheung Shui, a passenger was walking on the left side of the escalator and bumping into a passenger next to him which caused several passengers behind them to fall one after another, some even rolled down the escalator 😨
Here is the scene at Sheung Shui, a passenger was walking on the left side of the escalator and bumping into a passenger next to him which caused several passengers behind them to fall one after another, some even rolled down the escalator 😨