✅ 感應式 Visa、 Mastercard 或
✅ Alipay HK 、 WeChat Pay HK 、支付寶、微信支付、
✅ BoC Pay 同埋 #銀聯雲閃付
選購全月通、港鐵都會票及各款紀念品,機場快綫除外 💰
乘客由 12 月 23 日(星期六)起,即可用感應式付款卡乘搭機場快綫外的各行車綫
新式閘機 ➡️
All Customer Service Centres now accept Visa, Mastercard or UnionPay contactless, WeChat Pay HK, Alipay, WechatPay, #UnionPay App and UnionPay QR
for Monthly Pass, City Saver and souvenirs purchases except Airport Express counters 💰
Following new ticket gates are gradually in-service, you may use Contactless to travel on all running lines other than Airport Express from 23/Dec (Sat)
New ticket gates ➡️