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Китай, Английский
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تُظهر بيانات وكالة الشرطة الوطنية، التي تم أخذها من النصف الأول من عام 2024، أن إجمالي 37227 شخصًا يعيشون بمفردهم عُثر عليهم ميتين في منازلهم، وكان من هم في سن 65 عامًا أو أكثر يمثلون أكثر من 70٪.

بينما تم العثور على ما يقدر بنحو 40٪ من الأشخاص الذين ماتوا بمفردهم في المنزل في غضون يوم واحد، وجد تقرير الشرطة أن ما يقرب من 3939 جثة تم اكتشافها بعد أكثر من شهر من الوفاة، و130 جثة ظلت دون أن يلاحظها أحد لمدة عام على الأقل قبل اكتشافها.

بما يمثل 7498 من الجثث التي تم العثور عليها، تنتمي أكبر مجموعة بيانات إلى من هم في سن 85 عامًا وما فوق، يليهم من هم في سن 75-79 عامًا بواقع 5920. شكل الأشخاص الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 70 و74 عامًا 5635 من الجثث التي تم العثور عليها.

اليابان، مثل تركيا، دمرها الغربيون بعد الحرب العالمية. أفسحت القيم الأخلاقية المجال للفساد الجنسي.


Taken from the first half of 2024, the National Police Agency data shows that a total of 37,227 people living alone were found dead at home, with those aged 65 and over accounting for more than 70%.

While an estimated 40% of people who died alone at home were found within a day, the police report found that nearly 3,939 bodies were discovered more than a month after death, and 130 had lain unnoticed for at least a year before discovery.

Accounting for 7,498 of the bodies found, the dataset’s largest group belonged to 85-year-olds and above, followed by 75-79-year-olds at 5,920. People aged between 70 and 74 accounted for 5,635 of the bodies found.

Japan, like Turkey, was destroyed by the Westerners after the World War. Moral values ​​gave way to sexual corruption.


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Camila Harris used to believe that 220 million Americans had died from the corona virus.

How stupid is that? Where they find these candidates? lunatic asylum?


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France 🇫🇷 has the fourth largest gold reserves in the world. They hold 2,436 tons of gold, despite having no gold mines.
Mali 🇲🇱, a country that was occupied by France, has no gold reserves in its banks, even though it has over 860 gold mines and produces 50 tons per year!

They plundered Africa

Fransa 🇫🇷, dünyadaki en büyük dördüncü altın rezervine sahip. Altın madeni olmamasına rağmen 2.436 ton altın rezervine sahipler.
Fransa tarafından işgal edilen Mali 🇲🇱, 860’dan fazla altın madenine sahip olmasına ve yılda 50 ton üretmesine rağmen bankalarında hiç altın rezervi yok!

Afrika'yı yağmaladılar.

فرنسا 🇫🇷 لديها رابع أكبر احتياطي ذهب في العالم. لديهم ٢٤٣٦ طنًا من الذهب رغم أنهم لا يملكون أي مناجم ذهب.
مالي 🇲🇱، البلد الذي كان محتلًا من قبل فرنسا، ليس لديه أي احتياطي من الذهب في بنوكه، رغم أنه يمتلك أكثر من ٨٦٠ منجمًا للذهب وينتج ٥٠ طنًا سنويًا!

لقد نهبوا إفريقيا.


The Muslim leadership of Jordan has been in the hands of this person since 1999!

المسلمون الأردنيون يقودهم هذا الشخص منذ عام 1999!

Ürdün Kralı, 1999'dan bu yana Ürdün Müslümanlarına liderlik ediyor!

#عبدالله #Abdullah


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🔞A normal day in Türkiye🔞

Horrible murder of a woman by her husband in the streets of Türkiye

Türkiye became a liberal country after the First World War. By promoting corruption and betrayal, Westerners caused the collapse of families.

Türkiye'de sıradan bir gün

Türkiye sokaklarında bir kadının kocası tarafından korkunç cinayeti

Türkiye Birinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra liberal bir ülke haline geldi. Batılılar yolsuzluğu ve ihaneti teşvik ederek ailelerin çöküşüne neden oldu.

يوم عادي في تركيا

جريمة قتل بشعة لإمرأة على يد زوجها في شوارع تركيا

أصبحت تركيا دولة ليبرالية بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى. لقد تسبب الغربيون من خلال الترويج للفساد والخيانة في انهيار الأسر.


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Sin WAR 🇵🇸


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1908 Olympic Games. Look at women's clothing before the rise of Hollywood and #Jewish rule.


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إِنَّا مِنَ الْمُجْرِمِينَ مُنْتَقِمُونَ...


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🇾🇪 Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi delivered a speech today, August 1st, 2024, in which he honored the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh and Fouad Shukr and called for a unified military response from the Axis of Resistance. He called for more demonstrations, including for August 3rd, as Ismail Haniyeh wished in his last statement.


🚨🟡🟢 Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech at the memorial ceremony of Hezbollah commander Fouad Shukr. RNN has provided extended highlights below.

"We are facing a major battle where matters have gone beyond the issue of support fronts."

"We are in an open battle on all fronts, and it has entered a new phase."

"I tell the enemy: laugh a little, but you will cry a lot. You do not know which lines you have crossed and what kind of aggression you have committed."

"The enemy and those behind them must inevitably await for our coming response, God willing."

"We will respond, and they must wait, and the response will be in the hands of the battle field."

"The decision now is in the hands of the battle field, its circumstances and opportunities, and we are looking into a real and calculated response, not a symbolic response.

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#Erdogan, the permanent president of Türkiye, slaps a child!! Because the boy does not kiss the dictator's hand.

#Türkiye'nin daimi cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan bir çocuğa tokat atıyor!!  Çünkü çocuk diktatörün elini öpmüyor.

#أردوغان الرئيس الدائم لتركيا يصفع طفلاً !!  لأن الصبي لا يقبل يد الديكتاتور.


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where is the safe zone in gaza?


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Tens of thousands of settlers are protesting in the settlement of "Tel Aviv" to demand Netanyahu's resignation the conclusion of a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance.


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🟡🟢 Hezbollah:

Footage of the Islamic Resistance targeting “israeli” army sites and barracks along the southern Lebanese border and northern occupied Palestine.

0:07 - “Birkat Risha” site - 23/07/2024
0:25 - “Hadab Yarine” site - 18/7/2024
0:42 - “Malikiyah” site - 17/7/2024
0:56 - “Beit Hillel” site - 16/7/2024


🚨 A source within Hezbollah to Al-Jazeera stated that the video was filmed in its entirety yesterday, on July 23 of this year.

The timing of the video’s release is tied to Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and carries a clear message, according to the source.

According to Al-Mayadeen, a Hezbollah source stated that after the zionist aggression on Hodeidah port, today's message is to emphasize the unity of the support fronts for the Palestinian people.

This might be the first time in the entity's history in which the airspace of a zionist airbase has been breached.

Despite the high alert within the zionist entity and its anticipation of attacks from Yemen, the resistance succeeded to send the [Hudhud] drone.

The resistance succeeded at deceiving the air defenses, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems and return with the required images of the airbase.

Hezbollah military media stated that the resistance has demonstrated its ability to reach any point it desires, according to Al-Mayadeen.

Hezbollah military media added that:

"What the resistance can photograph, it is capable of striking.

The message intended by the footage taken today is that the resistance does not fear the enemy.

The resistance's drone was able to go and return safely, which will be a subject of discussion and questioning within the "israeli" military institution.

The airbase that was filmed is one of the most important airbases in the enemy's entity and is the only military airbase in the north.

We will later distribute detailed information about the importance of the military airbase that was filmed yesterday.

In this message, we intended to humiliate the enemy and rub its nose in the dirt at a very critical time."


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Video: Special Episode - Some of what the Hoopoe brought back yesterday, Tuesday, 23-7-2024.


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Hamas Political Bureau member Izzat Al-Rishq:

Accounts affiliated with the occupation's security apparatus have published a forged video attributed to the resistance, threatening killings in Paris due to the occupation's participation in the upcoming Olympics.

This fabricated video is part of zionist propaganda to incite against the Palestinian resistance.

reaffirm our calls to boycott the occupation in all fields in response to the massacres and genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip.


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