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We will start a small-scale test of Telegram Stars payment on AppleP12.com. If you cannot use cryptocurrency and want to purchase certificates through Telegram Stars, please contact customer service @P12Support.
What is Telegram Stars?
Answer: https://t.me/durov/280
Before contacting customer service, please read the following:
Create an order on the website, then select manual payment as the payment method, copy the order number, send it to customer service, and tell the customer service that you want to pay with Telegram Stars.
Prices List
Started Plan: 530 Stars
Basic Plan: 760 Stars
Slow Plan: 840 Stars
Standard Plan: 1080 Stars
Plus Plan: 1230 Stars
Premium Plan: 1540 Stars
Ultimate Plan: 2000 Stars
♾Buying Stars from the AppStore or GooglePlay will be more expensive, you can buy it from the web version or the PC version of Telegram.
What is Telegram Stars?
Answer: https://t.me/durov/280
Before contacting customer service, please read the following:
Create an order on the website, then select manual payment as the payment method, copy the order number, send it to customer service, and tell the customer service that you want to pay with Telegram Stars.
Prices List
Started Plan: 530 Stars
Basic Plan: 760 Stars
Slow Plan: 840 Stars
Standard Plan: 1080 Stars
Plus Plan: 1230 Stars
Premium Plan: 1540 Stars
Ultimate Plan: 2000 Stars
♾Buying Stars from the AppStore or GooglePlay will be more expensive, you can buy it from the web version or the PC version of Telegram.