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Китай, Китайский
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Репост из: Ingress 中文
Devra Bogdanovich 2025 奬牌現正在商品出售。

#Ingress #PlusAlpha

Репост из: 深绿大声公 Shenzhen Enlightened Megaphone
Niantic 拟作价35亿美金出售游戏业务

收购方为美国游戏公司Scopely Inc,代表作品为手游《大富翁GO!》。


#可持续发展 #新闻

Репост из: Ingress 中文
+Alpha Supporter 系列奬牌現正在商品出售。

#Ingress #PlusAlpha

Репост из: Ingress 中文
徇眾要求,2021 年的冬日勳章將於本週(1月10日晚上7時-17日晚上7時)再次在商店上架。僅從未購入者可見。

Репост из: Ingress 中文
Ingress 自2025年6月起將不再支援32位元的Android裝置。
詳情請見: https://ingress.com/news/2025-deprecate32bitclients

垃圾mod大赠送需要的来😈 详咨ID:ChenBW

Репост из: Tianjin Resistance News🗺🎡🌌
Ingress 徽章Tg贴纸包

[26个] 基础牌:

[102个] 人头牌:

[76个] 活动牌:

[76个] XMA大战 & 年度相关牌:

特别感谢 [Ingress.plus]

与 Ingress 或 Niantic Labs 无关联。

Репост из: Ingress
In collaboration with local communities, we're happy to share the list of Q1 Ingress Mission Days...


Репост из: Ingress 中文
迎接2025! 12月22日至31日,每日參與倒數指令,贏取限定獎勵!



#Ingress #NewYear2025

Репост из: RGNN Ticker
Agent naruh0d0 Pushes the Limits: Completing All 50 Bounties in the Bounty Blitz!

🏆The Bounty Blitz campaign challenged agents worldwide, with a maximum of 50 bounties achievable by replaying the blitz 10 times. For most, this was an ambitious goal, but for Agent naruh0d0 from Beijing, China the sky is the limit!

When asked what drove them to complete this daunting task, naruh0d0 explained
“I wanted to see if it was possible and understand the effort required. Plus, I could contribute some points to the Resistance while testing my limits.”

📝Their preparation was meticulous. In the week leading up to the blitz, naruh0d0 scanned 50 portals and strategized a route that maximized efficiency. They also factored in the cooldown time for overclocking (OC).

🕣 The total time? A staggering six hours of dedication. With only six portals near their home that could be overclocked, naruh0d0 knew that completing all 10 rounds in under four hours wasn’t feasible.
“For most agents, finding a 400 portal cluster might be tough, but I’m fortunate to have access to areas with over 100 portals and even one area with 400. Planning the route carefully made all the difference.”

🗝 naruh0d0’s journey is a testament to preparation, determination, and strategy. Their advice for agents attempting similar feats?

“Plan your route and prepare in advance, especially with scanning. It saves a lot of time.”

🎉Congratulations to Agent naruh0d0 on an extraordinary achievement!

#ErasedMemories #BountyBlitz

Репост из: Ingress 中文
「Sarah Coppola 2024」現正在遊戲內商店中有售。

Репост из: Ingress 中文

#Ingress #PlusAlpha

Репост из: Enl-SH Talking (Real)
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
震惊!上海著名绿军作弊玩家 hvn04I3 大号自2019年起第四次被封号(类型:未知,反正能违规的项目几乎全违过一遍,包括但不限于开飞机、长期多开蓝绿小号、线上用多号同时辱骂并开盒人肉玩家还发出暴力攻击威胁、试图入侵玩家账户和邮箱、线下跟踪骚扰玩家) 。

由于第二和第三次封号 https://t.me/EnlShit/3067 时账号均开着C.O.R.E.也没有用,这位玩家这次甚至都没开付费会员。同时这也是此账号历史上第六次被封号。与此同时其飞机小号 Supersonicss 一并被封号(第二次)

如果章鱼哥过几天又回到游戏里,请不要惊讶,因为这游戏里就是有一部分绿军玩家可以一直无视三振永封的规定,懂的都懂,不懂的现在就可以计数 #打飞机

Репост из: 耗子的土豆炖牛腩

Репост из: Ingress 中文
2025年度Mission Day現已接受申請。
詳情請見: https://ingress.com/news/2025-mission-day

#Ingress #MissionDay

Репост из: RGNN Ticker
Niantic has announced two impromptu XM shard battles on Dec 7, 2024, 16:00 - 17:30 local time!

Battles will happen in Meiji Park (7:00 - 8:30 UTC) and Laguna Main Beach Park (0:00 - 1:30 UTC, Dec 8), with multiple waves of Shards and Targets for both factions.

NIA employees will be onsite in both sites.

NIA also said:
While it’s unlikely to directly impact the “Erased Memories” Anomaly Series, we cannot rule out unforeseen consequences.

Learn more: https://ingress.com/news/2024-impromptushard

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