[1200+] "IF LOOKS COULD KILL" DESTROY LONELY DRUM KIT🌟 If you're looking to recreate the experimental sound of Destroy Lonely's "If Looks Could Kill" album, this kit is built for you. It’s loaded with dark, atmospheric one-shots, heavy 808s, and eerie, melodic presets perfect for crafting those distorted, moody beats Lone is known for. The drum patterns, glitchy portal/shaperbox effects, and twisted soundscapes included in this pack will help you tap into that unique mix of aggression and emotion found throughout the album.
✨208 808s & Subs
✨55 Claps
✨99 Drum Midi’s
✨57 FX
✨56 Hi Hats
✨38 Mixer Presets
✨312 One Shots (Including 111 Guitar ILCK Style One Shots)
✨50 Open Hats
✨71 Percs
✨100 Portal Presets
✨12 Risers
✨60 Serum Presets
✨15 Shaperbox Presets
✨43 Snares
✨19 Textures
✨24 VST Presets
🏪 GROUP BUY | CБОР НА КИТOfficial Price: 70$ 40$
Price per person: 4$
Цена на человека: 400₽ ㅤ
[EN] We are starting a group buy for this kit and splitting the price between 10 people so it will cost $4 instead of 40$.
[RU] Мы начинаем сбор средств на покупку этого кита и делим цену между 10 людьми, в следствие он обойдется вам в 400₽ вместо 40$.
🛒 Хотите купить? ➡ Писать в @ProducersGB_bot
💬 Ready to Buy? ➡ Write to @ProducersGB_bot
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