Here are the top 10 Wi-Fi cracking tools:
WifiteDescription: Wifite is an automated wireless network attack tool that supports multiple attack modes for cracking WEP, WPA, and WPA2 networks.
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KismetDescription: Kismet is a wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system that supports 802.11 WLAN (Wi-Fi).
Link: 3.
FluxionDescription: Fluxion is a WPA/WPA2 security cracking tool that clones the target access point and performs social engineering attacks to obtain the password.
Link: 4.
Cain and AbelDescription: Cain and Abel is a password recovery tool for Windows platforms, capable of sniffing networks, cracking encrypted passwords, and analyzing routing protocols.
Link: 5.
AirjackDescription: Airjack is an 802.11 packet injection tool primarily used for network testing and research, and can be used for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
Link: 6.
Aircrack-ngDescription: Aircrack-ng is a toolset for cracking WEP and WPA-PSK passwords, including various tools for monitoring and attacking wireless networks.
Link: 7.
CoWPAttyDescription: CoWPAtty is a WPA-PSK cracking tool that uses dictionary attacks to crack WPA-PSK passwords.
Link: 8.
WiresharkDescription: Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer tool used for capturing and interactively browsing packets in computer networks.
Link: 9.
AirgeddonDescription: Airgeddon is a multifunctional wireless network attack toolkit supporting various wireless security auditing tasks, including cracking, phishing attacks, DoS attacks, etc.
Link: 10.
WifiphisherDescription: Wifiphisher is a tool for conducting Wi-Fi network phishing attacks, using social engineering techniques to trick victims into entering passwords.