We have noticed that many human users have requested to join our discussion group but have troubles completing the CAPTCHA. If you face issues, you can re-request to join and try again later, try another CAPTCHA bot if one is not working, update your Telegram client (do NOT use Telegram X as it does not support WebView), etc. If the problem persists, reply to this message to get manual approval: https://t.me/CanyieChannel/215
(If you don't understand what the message mean, you don't need to understand)
(This is NOT for joining internal test program)
我们注意到很多人类用户申请加入我们的讨论组但无法通过加群验证。如果你遇到问题,可以尝试稍后重新申请加群、尝试用另一个机器人验证、升级你的 Telegram 客户端(不要用 Telegram X 因为它不支持 WebView)等。如果还是不行,可以回复这条消息,我们手动批准:https://t.me/CanyieChannel/215
(If you don't understand what the message mean, you don't need to understand)
(This is NOT for joining internal test program)
我们注意到很多人类用户申请加入我们的讨论组但无法通过加群验证。如果你遇到问题,可以尝试稍后重新申请加群、尝试用另一个机器人验证、升级你的 Telegram 客户端(不要用 Telegram X 因为它不支持 WebView)等。如果还是不行,可以回复这条消息,我们手动批准:https://t.me/CanyieChannel/215