Hello, this is Telegram Support. This information is very important:
Representatives of MarkScan contacted us and made a complaint that your channel @aliyundriveShare was violating intellectual property rights by publishing the following media files:
Telegram does not process requests related to private content. But sticker sets, channels, and bots on Telegram are publicly available. When we receive a complaint regarding the legality of public content, we perform the necessary legal checks and take it down when deemed appropriate: https://telegram.org/faq#q-wait-0-o-do-you-process-take-down-requests-from-third-parties
We kindly ask you to remove the reported content. You can reach MarkScan through email internet.enforcement@markscan.in
沙丘TS 版本!请群友不要再分享,谢谢合作!!!
Representatives of MarkScan contacted us and made a complaint that your channel @aliyundriveShare was violating intellectual property rights by publishing the following media files:
Telegram does not process requests related to private content. But sticker sets, channels, and bots on Telegram are publicly available. When we receive a complaint regarding the legality of public content, we perform the necessary legal checks and take it down when deemed appropriate: https://telegram.org/faq#q-wait-0-o-do-you-process-take-down-requests-from-third-parties
We kindly ask you to remove the reported content. You can reach MarkScan through email internet.enforcement@markscan.in
沙丘TS 版本!请群友不要再分享,谢谢合作!!!