波士頓撐港消息頻道 Boston For HK Info Channel

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This channel serves as a medium for spreading details of our future events supporting democracy in HK. Real time updates will also be provided during these events.

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The flag of the CCP regime has no place in the City of Boston. Help us out by sending an email to City Hall officials in less than a minute!



Please join our protest against CCP flag raising on 9/30 and solidarity really on 10/2!✊✊✊ (details in FB event linked)

Hi everyone! The national day of the PRC is approaching and we have two protests planned. These two events are organized in conjunction with other communities oppressed by the CCP. Hope to see everyone there!

‼️SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 12 Afternoon‼️

Hi everyone, it’s been a while! We are organizing a protest in Boston on June 12th along with cities in the US and all over the world to reiterate our support for freedom and democracy in HK. 2 years have gone by since June 2019, but we have not forgotten the blood, sweat, and tears Hongkongers have paid. It is time for us to pick the pace up and do everything in our power to fight back against the CCP.

We are waiting for permits from various departments so the location is TBA. All updates will be posted here when available. Hope to see you all!!!

👆🏾Tutorial video of call4hk.com 👆🏾

🇺🇸 #CALL4HK FINAL PUSH for the “Hong Kong People’s Freedom and Choice Act” 最後一個禮拜力推香港人民自由和選擇法案 🇺🇸

Only ONE WEEK LEFT until the Congress concludes and closes the “Hong Kong People’s Freedom and Choice Act” [H.R. 8428].

📱Visit call4hk.com to see a step-by-step guide on how you can participate to make it passed the Senate floor. 🔥

📜What is the “Hong Kong People’s Freedom and Choice Act” about? 📜

The bill provides provides Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Hong Kongers who is now in the US under a visa and has fear of future persecution to return home. It also promises to expedite processing of refugee and asylum applications for Hong Kongers who have a well-founded fear of political persecution, as well as to maintain Hong Kong's status as autonomous for the purposes of immigration visas for 5 years.

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A video featuring the Save12 Concern group, family members of the 12, and Hong Kong activists around the world needs to be spread widely.

The video is available on

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2317436205144840/posts/2740902359464887/?vh=e&d=n

IG: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CHAI2BkHwU4/?igshid=dw1ptgthnfvb

Twitter: https://twitter.com/frances_hui/status/1322486386168111104?s=21

YouTube: https://youtu.be/9kqtFMHPjIs

Forward from: 12港人關注組
【國際連動 聲援十二港人】


[Global Solidarity Campaign]

23rd October marks the 60th day that the 12 Hongkongers have been sent to China. Various Campaigns will be held globally in different cities to support the 12 Hongkongers and demand the Authorities for their early release.

達蘭薩拉(印度) Dharamshala, India

三藩市(美國) San Francisco, US
Hong Kongers in San Francisco Bay Area
09:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/349425766124803/
San Francisco Hong Kongers bot - 三藩市香港人公海bot
19:30 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1046432492493718/

愛丁堡(蘇格蘭) Edinburgh, Scotland

紐約(美國) New York, US
NY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong FreeKazakhs Students for a Free Tibet Keep Taiwan Free Lion Rock Café
15:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/635465530450053

波士頓(美國) Boston, US
波士頓香港人權組織 Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston Frances Hui 許穎婷
14:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/852151048926217/

西雅圖(美國) Seattle, US
Lamp Of Liberty Hong Kong Democracy & Human Rights Association at UW Seattle Hong Kong Students Alliance 西雅圖香港學生聯盟
14:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/828518581221094/

聖地牙哥(美國) San Diego, US
15:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/983709022143868/

華盛頓(美國) Washington DC, US
DC4HK - Washingtonians Supporting Hong Kong
14:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/922414584956127/

洛杉磯(美國) Los Angeles, US
洛杉磯香港論壇 Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles - Public
13:30 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/373250930484392/

溫哥華(加拿大) Vancouver, Canada
思政學陣 VHKPoActs
14:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/390878648617480/

多倫多(加拿大) Toronto, Canada
Canada-Hong Kong Link
14:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/261942048572977

哈里法斯(加拿大) Halifax, Canada
Halifax-Hong Kong Link
16:00 AST: https://www.facebook.com/events/774919780029840/

倫敦(英國) London, UK
Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong. Democracy for Hong Kong - D4HK
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/394383575299535/

曼徹斯特(英國) Manchester, UK
Manchester supports Hong Kong 曼徹斯特撐香港
13:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/685207618772196/

錫菲(英國) Sheffield, UK
Sheffield stands with Hong Kong
13:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/699150187361498/

海牙(荷蘭) The Hague, Netherlands
Netherlands for Hong Kong
14:30: https://www.facebook.com/events/789541148258099/

亞德萊德(澳洲) Adelaide, Australia
Adelaide - Stand with Hong Kong
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/1632886373556550/

首爾(韓國) Seoul, South Korea
다이얼로그 차이나 한국대표부 Dialogue China_Korea
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/DialogueChina.korea/photos/a.116739869723508/405756277488531/

台北(台灣) Taipei, Taiwan
香港邊城青年 Hong Kong Outlanders 台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights 經濟民主連合 永社 Taiwan Forever Association 台灣公民陣線 公投護台灣聯盟 民間司法改革基金會
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/804442293639038/

基督城(紐西蘭) Christchurch, New Zealand
Yellow Power NZ
11:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/648719232456546/

*Participants please notice the local policies about the COVID-19



By October 25 this year, the 12 Hongkongers have been held in incommunicado detention for 2 months. During this period, the Chinese authorities denies their rights of access to lawyers appointed by their families, using the pretext that they have already appointed their own lawyers. The identities of these “government appointed lawyers” remains unknown. They were also formally arrested on the charges of “secretly crossing the border” and “organising others to secretly cross the border”. It was later revealed that the governments of Hong Kong and China had conspired to place the 12 Hongkongers under the control of the Chinese authorities.
According to the internal documents and aircraft radar records of the Hong Kong Government Flying Service, not only did the Hong Kong government know about this well beforehand, but the Hong Kong police also took action.
From the experience of how the Chinese authorities dealt with political prisoners, global concern and solidarity is an important means to protect the safety of the 12 Hongkongers and to fight for their release. Therefore, global coalition of Hongkonger groups, together with the 12 Hongkongers Concern Group, will hold solidarity rallies all around the world to hold the Hong Kong government accountable for betraying its people, show solidarity with the 12 Hongkongers and their families, and demand the immediate release of the 12.
Boston Hongkongers will have outreach event at the Public Garden Bridge to explain to passerby on the HongKong-12 incident. We will also fold paper boats that will be released to the pond at the end of the events as a call to release the 12. You are encouraged to prepare slogan boards and paper boats beforehand and attend in black attires.

Date: Oct. 24, 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 2PM-4PM
Location: Boston Public Garden Bridge



CI has bases on more than 500 college campuses worldwide, with 75 of them active in the United States—including at The George Washington University and Tufts University. If Tufts is thriving on maintaining students’ global awareness, it should commit to provide cultural education without relying and sponsoring a soft power agency that imposes terror and censorship on students’ speech.

As over 100 organizations around the world protest on the Chinese National Day, the Boston coalition of Hongkongers, Taiwanese, Tibetans, and Uyghurs, will join the effort to rally in front of Tufts’ Ballou Hall. We invite you to join us in solidarity to demand closure of the Confucius Institute at Tufts University while maintaining social distance.

Date: Oct 1, 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 3-6 p.m. (detailed agenda will be published soon)
Location: Tufts University Ballou Hall (1 The Green, Medford, MA 02155)
*Please wear masks and practice social distancing.


Hello! 雖然最近波士頓冇咩活動,但係我哋打算整一個合輯關於回顧香港反送中運動一周年既計劃,無論你係唔係香港人都好,只要我地對香港仍然關心,都歡迎將你嘅感想分享出去!(ps 可以匿名)

We are making a commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the Anti-Extradition Movement, please submit your message if you’re interested! (The submission can be Anonymous)


My Dearest Boston Hongkongers,

I am sure you have all heard about the proposed national security law in Hong Kong. Understandably, we are all feeling depressed and anxious. Our friends at DC4HK have come up with templates of letters to write to our congressmen and senators to support our fellow Hongkongers:

1) To the local Congressperson as per our constituent district in urging them to stand with Hong Kong amidst this predicament;

2) To Senator Van Hollen and Senator Toomey who have just introduced the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, and;

3) To Senator Hawley and Representative Gallagher for introducing the Congressional Resolution condemning CCP's potential enactment of the National Security Law in Hong Kong via the Basic Law Appendix III.

Feel free to amend the template in the link and send it to your represenatives:

大家又有機會支持黃色經濟圈了!我們經 Project R 授權幫居於麻省嘅大家訂購 Tote Bags 和 Luggage Tags,可以Paypal 付款或者到貨付款。請於5月31日或之前完成此訂購表格: https://forms.gle/eeQ1TAnTqug2KN5g8

We are open to accepting orders for Hong Kong themed tote bags and luggage tags produced by Project R in HK. Please complete the ordering form by the end of May.
「自由之籽」TOTE BAG布面創作背景為香港2019年中兩場最轟動的抗爭戰役。分別是6月16日二百萬人大遊行及中文大學的二號橋保衞戰。兩個場面都已成為香港人的集體回憶,不斷提醒我們不要淡忘抗爭者的無私付出、香港兒女的智慧與勇氣。
Project R 希望「自由之籽」成為港、台以及自由世界抗爭者的信物,將共同的信念「袋袋相傳」。當有一日,你在街上,或者是抗爭的路上,看到彼此帶著這個信物會雙眼互望,心領神會,大家都是手足,是自由路上的戰友。
現在可以集購「自由之籽」帆布袋,由香港年輕設計師Charlie設計,設計理念:香港人,齊上齊落,和勇不分,相約煲底。經Facebook公眾投票選為Project R TOTE BAG設計比賽冠軍作品,台灣本土精製。

Project R 是一個開放而包容的平台,目標是構建屬於全球香港人的社區及經濟共同體(Ecosystem),連接各行業,本地和海外的香港人,甚至世界各地支持香港人的民眾,形成一個透過網絡連結的新群體。平台以「香港人__香港人」為主軸,中間留白,讓香港人發揮想像力和創意,一齊推出各種項目及計劃,將彼此之間連結起來,形成共力,為這個 Ecosystem 注入不同的內容及活力。




所以今次,到香港人啦!呢個Campaign好簡單叫做 U.S. 2020 Census: Write in Hongkonger 2020人口普查:我係香港人,係由新組織We The Hongkongers發起(背景唔多講自己睇),希望叫所有居美港人剔番「其他亞裔」一欄,再寫番「香港人Hongkonger」上去。

喺未來呢兩三個月,我哋會喺不同嘅網絡平台落廣告,包括Facebook, YouTube, Google,亦會去社區中心、餐廳呢啲多港人聚首嘅地方宣傳。我哋會製作一套文宣同產品,已經拜託不同美國城市幫手,喺佢哋嘅城市到派文宣,同時與不同團體洽商搵贊助。喺咁短時間內要execute成個marketing嘅campaign,係需要大量嘅資金去支持,所以我哋成立咗一個GoFundMe,希望可以眾籌到最少$60000美金去繼續籌備落去。我哋嘅目標並唔係一班美國手足,而係嗰啲一直有大中華意識、喺香港移民過美國嘅人,要佢哋知道,其實佢都可以寫番自己係香港人。我哋唔奢望喺最後份報告上面,香港人唔會再喺中國嗰個分類下,但我哋好希望可以有香港人嘅一個數字,代表我哋存在喺呢個國家入面。

個普查其實已經開始咗,陸陸續續有人收到填寫嘅詳情,仲有啲人心急填咗,點知又填錯咗 。所以呢個Project真係得緊急,好需要大家幫手。大家可以以個人或組織名義去捐錢,而我哋為了答謝你哋嘅貢獻,將會將你寫嘅名稱紀錄在我們的活動網站,分不同嘅級別去列舉。

Celebrate the 61st Tibetan National Upraising Day with the Tibetan Association of Boston today at the City Hall with the annual flag raising ceremony. Let's support our ally by showing up! The crowd will then march to the Boston Common and convene at the State House.


Event organized by our Boston friend:
In Memory of Dr. Li Wenliang
Date: 2/9/2020 (Sun)
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Copley Square


Thank you everyone for coming yesterday!!

"I demand."

Glory To Hong Kong Lyrics:

We pledge: No more tears on our land
In wrath, doubts dispell'd we make our stand
Arise! Ye who would not be slaves again
For Hong Kong, may Freedom reign
Though deep is the dread that lies ahead
Yet still with our faith on we tread
Let blood rage afield! Our voice grows evermore
For Hong Kong, may Glory reign
Stars may fade as darkness fills the air
Through the mist a solitary trumpet flares
Now, to arms! For Freedom we fight with all might we strike
With valour, wisdom both, we stride
Break now the dawn, liberate our Hong Kong
In common breath: Revolution of our times
May people reign, proud and free, now and evermore
Glory be to thee Hong Kong

20 last posts shown.


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