Apple Watch 限量版挑战 —— 心理健康日挑战
让我们一起关注各种关爱心理健康的方式。在 10 月 10 日这天,用会将正念加入「健康」的任意 App 记录 10 分钟的正念即可获得这枚奖章。
Mental Health Day Challenge
Let's bring awareness to all the ways we can take care of our mental health. On October 10, record 10 mindful minutes with any app that adds to Health to get this award.
#AppleFitness #AppleWatchChallenge
📮 频道 @AppPie
让我们一起关注各种关爱心理健康的方式。在 10 月 10 日这天,用会将正念加入「健康」的任意 App 记录 10 分钟的正念即可获得这枚奖章。
Mental Health Day Challenge
Let's bring awareness to all the ways we can take care of our mental health. On October 10, record 10 mindful minutes with any app that adds to Health to get this award.
#AppleFitness #AppleWatchChallenge
📮 频道 @AppPie