612人道支援基金 資訊發放 dan repost
【612人道支援基金 - 2021年度報告 信託人的話】
【612 Humanitarian Relief Fund : Annual Report 2021 Words from Trustees】
(Please scroll down for english version, link to full report at the end of the post)
細閱此報告,你可了解到基金的支援概況。2,521 位* 因參與反送中運動而被控告的抗爭者當中,2,221 位曾接受基金的資助,其中大部分是法律開支。即使基金僅以相對低的水平支付法律費用,逾2千人多次上庭應審,累計的金額依然相當龐大。然而,這同時表示,你們的捐款大大紓緩了這些年輕被告因應訊而帶來的的財政壓力及心理負擔。我們一直以來盡力守護基金的安全,並將繼續努力改善財務管理,以更好地服務申請人。
目前,基金支援的被告中,近半數案件已完成審訊,其中裁判法院案件佔 90%(共 867 宗);而尚待審結的 1,274 宗案件中,區域法院案件佔 70%,基金僅須支援「法援分擔費」,而絕大部份個案均已完成申請法援,基金毋須再支援其訟費。同時,合符基金支援範圍的新案件亦逐漸減少。可是,仍有 365 宗裁判法院案件未結案,其中部份案件牽涉多位被告、審期亦長,預算基金將須繼續承擔巨額的法律開支;而還柙候審(部份已超過1年)、服刑人士的需要亦持續增長。因此,在可見的將來,基金的工作仍未許鬆懈。在我們的使命終告達成之前,基金定必謹守崗位,希望路上有你們繼續同行!
今天回顧,基金的成立,是民間社會在面對危機與急切的人道支援需要下的一種回應。2019 年後,香港經歷劇變,我們曾經十分熟悉的政治經濟和社會制度、文化法律與生活習慣,已面目全非,只需對比基金周年報告今年與去年的封面,就可看出當中的差異。我們明白,鉅變後的社會浮現各種新的困難與需求,已超出了基金的能力範圍與成立原意。
612人道支援基金 信託人
(* 保安局 2021 年 2 月 28 日數字)
Dear Friends,
It has been a daunting 12-months for Hong Kong, but together we are soldiering on. Thank you for your unfailing trust and support!
Open this folded sheet, and you will see some amazing figures: out of a total of 2,521 persons* charged in connection with the anti-extradition protest movement, 2,221 have received assistance from the fund, mostly in legal fees. Given this number and the multi-court hearings in each case, the legal fees involved are inevitably large, even at the modest levels set by the Fund. But this also represents the huge financial anxiety your support had helped to relieve the persons charged to protect their legal rights, particularly when many of them are young and helpless! We have made efforts, and continue to make efforts, to improve our financial management to keep the Fund safe and serve our applicants’ needs better.
You will also see that just under half of the charged cases have been concluded, 90% of them (867 cases) are magistrate court cases. As for the remaining 1274 cases pending trial, 70% are in the District Court, for which the Fund only provides assistance for the contribution fee at the application stage, and most of those cases have completed that stage and new cases which may come within the Fund’s original scope are tapering off. On the other hand, there still remains 365 Magistrates Court cases pending trial or conclusion of trial. Some of them were expected to be long trials with multiple defendants, which means we have to prepare for heavy legal costs. At the same time, the needs of those under prolonged detention awaiting trial (some over 12 months) and those imprisoned have grown and will continue to grow. So it is only in a limited sense that we are seeing the end – distantly – of that tunnel. By the grace of God, together let us persevere until the Fund has done its job and is no longer necessary! This is not yet the time to relax!
With the typical anti-extradition protest cases becoming rarer, we are faced increasingly with borderline cases. We do our anxious best but are fully conscious that our assessment is not perfect, and we hereby apologize to those whom we disappointed.
Looking back, the Fund was an unprecedented civil society initiative that rose to meet the burning needs in a crisis. Since then, the situation in Hong Kong has changed drastically – one only has to take a look at our 2020 Report cover to realize how different! We are increasingly aware that new needs are growing in importance and becoming pressing which stretch beyond the scope of the Fund.
Nor is financial assistance the sole or even greatest need, when we have a city now shaken by doubt, uncertainty, fear, and a deep sense of isolation.
【612 Humanitarian Relief Fund : Annual Report 2021 Words from Trustees】
(Please scroll down for english version, link to full report at the end of the post)
細閱此報告,你可了解到基金的支援概況。2,521 位* 因參與反送中運動而被控告的抗爭者當中,2,221 位曾接受基金的資助,其中大部分是法律開支。即使基金僅以相對低的水平支付法律費用,逾2千人多次上庭應審,累計的金額依然相當龐大。然而,這同時表示,你們的捐款大大紓緩了這些年輕被告因應訊而帶來的的財政壓力及心理負擔。我們一直以來盡力守護基金的安全,並將繼續努力改善財務管理,以更好地服務申請人。
目前,基金支援的被告中,近半數案件已完成審訊,其中裁判法院案件佔 90%(共 867 宗);而尚待審結的 1,274 宗案件中,區域法院案件佔 70%,基金僅須支援「法援分擔費」,而絕大部份個案均已完成申請法援,基金毋須再支援其訟費。同時,合符基金支援範圍的新案件亦逐漸減少。可是,仍有 365 宗裁判法院案件未結案,其中部份案件牽涉多位被告、審期亦長,預算基金將須繼續承擔巨額的法律開支;而還柙候審(部份已超過1年)、服刑人士的需要亦持續增長。因此,在可見的將來,基金的工作仍未許鬆懈。在我們的使命終告達成之前,基金定必謹守崗位,希望路上有你們繼續同行!
今天回顧,基金的成立,是民間社會在面對危機與急切的人道支援需要下的一種回應。2019 年後,香港經歷劇變,我們曾經十分熟悉的政治經濟和社會制度、文化法律與生活習慣,已面目全非,只需對比基金周年報告今年與去年的封面,就可看出當中的差異。我們明白,鉅變後的社會浮現各種新的困難與需求,已超出了基金的能力範圍與成立原意。
612人道支援基金 信託人
(* 保安局 2021 年 2 月 28 日數字)
Dear Friends,
It has been a daunting 12-months for Hong Kong, but together we are soldiering on. Thank you for your unfailing trust and support!
Open this folded sheet, and you will see some amazing figures: out of a total of 2,521 persons* charged in connection with the anti-extradition protest movement, 2,221 have received assistance from the fund, mostly in legal fees. Given this number and the multi-court hearings in each case, the legal fees involved are inevitably large, even at the modest levels set by the Fund. But this also represents the huge financial anxiety your support had helped to relieve the persons charged to protect their legal rights, particularly when many of them are young and helpless! We have made efforts, and continue to make efforts, to improve our financial management to keep the Fund safe and serve our applicants’ needs better.
You will also see that just under half of the charged cases have been concluded, 90% of them (867 cases) are magistrate court cases. As for the remaining 1274 cases pending trial, 70% are in the District Court, for which the Fund only provides assistance for the contribution fee at the application stage, and most of those cases have completed that stage and new cases which may come within the Fund’s original scope are tapering off. On the other hand, there still remains 365 Magistrates Court cases pending trial or conclusion of trial. Some of them were expected to be long trials with multiple defendants, which means we have to prepare for heavy legal costs. At the same time, the needs of those under prolonged detention awaiting trial (some over 12 months) and those imprisoned have grown and will continue to grow. So it is only in a limited sense that we are seeing the end – distantly – of that tunnel. By the grace of God, together let us persevere until the Fund has done its job and is no longer necessary! This is not yet the time to relax!
With the typical anti-extradition protest cases becoming rarer, we are faced increasingly with borderline cases. We do our anxious best but are fully conscious that our assessment is not perfect, and we hereby apologize to those whom we disappointed.
Looking back, the Fund was an unprecedented civil society initiative that rose to meet the burning needs in a crisis. Since then, the situation in Hong Kong has changed drastically – one only has to take a look at our 2020 Report cover to realize how different! We are increasingly aware that new needs are growing in importance and becoming pressing which stretch beyond the scope of the Fund.
Nor is financial assistance the sole or even greatest need, when we have a city now shaken by doubt, uncertainty, fear, and a deep sense of isolation.