Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
But now my deck(發音dick) is talk of the town. And my deck was too dangerous for kids to play on. but it seems like every kid in the neighborhood's been on my deck this summer
但現在我的露臺成為了眾人的話題。 我的露臺(DICK!!)之前對於小孩玩耍來說太危險了,但現在似乎這個夏天鄰居的每位小孩都會在我的露臺上玩了。
仔細聽這句就知道 And my deck was too dangerous for kids to play on.
FBI馬上就要來了🤣 不僅是個two-timer(渣男) 還是個 paedophile(戀童癖)&pervert(性變態)
Talk of the town
英譯: to be what everyone is talking about
The new statue in the park is the talk of the town.公園裡的新塑像成了鎮上人們談論的焦點。
How did you not hear about the fire at the shopping mall last night? It’s the talk of the town! 你怎麼沒聽說那家賣場昨晚發生火災?那是大家談論的話題!
話說最近telegram官方開放了一個 similar channel 的推薦功能
他會出現在你剛加入頻道時的畫面最下面 或是在頻道資訊欄的地方 不知道我的頻道有沒有這樣的功能出現😉哪位哈們可以幫我看一下
But now my deck(發音dick) is talk of the town. And my deck was too dangerous for kids to play on. but it seems like every kid in the neighborhood's been on my deck this summer
但現在我的露臺成為了眾人的話題。 我的露臺(DICK!!)之前對於小孩玩耍來說太危險了,但現在似乎這個夏天鄰居的每位小孩都會在我的露臺上玩了。
仔細聽這句就知道 And my deck was too dangerous for kids to play on.
FBI馬上就要來了🤣 不僅是個two-timer(渣男) 還是個 paedophile(戀童癖)&pervert(性變態)
Talk of the town
英譯: to be what everyone is talking about
The new statue in the park is the talk of the town.公園裡的新塑像成了鎮上人們談論的焦點。
How did you not hear about the fire at the shopping mall last night? It’s the talk of the town! 你怎麼沒聽說那家賣場昨晚發生火災?那是大家談論的話題!
話說最近telegram官方開放了一個 similar channel 的推薦功能
他會出現在你剛加入頻道時的畫面最下面 或是在頻道資訊欄的地方 不知道我的頻道有沒有這樣的功能出現😉哪位哈們可以幫我看一下