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Foolish TraceWind dan repost

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
Since the day Telegram was launched almost 9 years ago, we've been giving our users more features and resources than any other messaging app. A free app as powerful as Telegram was revolutionary in 2013 and is still unprecedented in 2022. To this day, our limits on chats, media and file uploads are unrivaled.

And yet, many have been asking us to raise the current limits even further, so we looked into ways to let you go beyond what is already crazy. The problem here is that if we were to remove all limits for everyone, our server and traffic costs would have become unmanageable, so the party would be unfortunately over for everyone.

After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option. That's why this month we will introduce Telegram Premium, a subscription plan that allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. It will also allow users to support Telegram and join the club that receives new features first.

Not to worry though: all existing features remain free, and there are plenty of new free features coming. Moreover, even users who don't subscribe to Telegram Premium will be able to enjoy some of its benefits: for example, they will be able to view extra-large documents, media and stickers sent by Premium users, or tap to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way.

While our experiments with privacy-focused ads in public one-to-many channels have been more successful than we expected, I believe that Telegram should be funded primarily by its users, not advertisers. This way our users will always remain our main priority.

大头打飞机 dan repost
在《Top Gun: Maverick》中出现的 Darkstar,是由 LOCKHEED MARTIN 团队设计的超音速验证机。

Noma’lum dan repost

85.60×53.98卡粉订阅/提醒 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Telegram Android Beta 更新上线 Telegram 付费会员

#Telegram #消息

👉🏿 Telegram 放弃 “我们可能会消失,但永远不会收费” 的承诺,测试付费订阅服务:

💰价格:$4.99 / 月

• 部分tg限制上限提升一倍

可加入频道/群数量 (500 → 1000)
• (非文件夹) 可置顶对话数量 (5 → 10)
• 频道和群的公共链接数量 (5 → 10)
• 可保存的GIF动画数量 (200 → 400)
• 最喜欢的贴纸数量 (5 → 200)
• BIO描述字数限制 (70 → 140)
• 图片/视频描述字数限制 (1024 → 4096)
• 对话文件夹数量 (10 → 20)
• 可加入文件夹的对话数量 (5 → 10)
可同时登录账号数量 (3 → 4)

• 上传大小提升到 4GB
• 更快的下载速度
• 语音到文本的转换
无广告 (不包括订阅者拥有的频道的广告)
• 专属的Reactions反应
• 高级贴纸
• 高级聊天管理
个人资料徽章 (用户名边上加星标) (为区别付费用户,Telegram 已禁止在用户名/频道名/群名中使用类似字符,比如: ⭐️☆★)
• 动画头像
• 自定义app图标

• Android beta版 下载(未验证)


👉🏿 @DocOfCard

Noma’lum dan repost
我感觉这个功能就是在白白浪费 screen estate

Noma’lum dan repost

云评测 dan repost
原田先生是喜欢老风格而又在三巨头工作的唯一设计师。虽然设计的号称是当代最强镜头,可是经常又大又怪,似乎能从中看出某些220度鱼眼的影子来。他对人说话,总是满口3D HiFi,教人半懂不懂的。原田先生一出专利,所有键摄群里的人便都看着他笑,有的叫道,“原田先生,你又设计怪东西了!”他不回答,对KOL们说,“写两篇报道,出一个视频。” 便排出九文大钱。键摄们又故意的高声嚷道,“你一定又堆了假料了!” 原田先生便睁大眼睛说,“你怎么这样凭空污人清白……”“什么清白?我前天亲眼见你塞进四枚大尺寸ED,然后色散还要被人吊着打。”原田先生便涨红了脸,额上的青筋条条绽出,争辩道,“J-PSKH4 不能算 ED…… J-PSKH4!……尼康从来不标黄,能算ED么?”接连便是难懂的话,什么 “ 「具有尼克尔特性」的像差平衡有明确规定,但谋求像差平衡的方法却因设计师的不同而存在较大的差异“ ,什么 ”设计师必须在满足了「具有尼克尔特性」这一基础上才能发挥各自的个性“ 之类,引得众人都哄笑起来:店内外充满了快活的空气。

每日摄影观察 dan repost
ARRI:你在我们的 35 上不需要做黑平衡,因为那个东西很烦人



。?所以志崎女士到底发生了什么 我很迷惑

做个人吧 放过老动画吧 别再折腾它们了


&'a ::rynco::UntitledChannel dan repost
哔哩哔哩 / 微博


LoveIdol - 版聊/吐槽/发布 dan repost
刚刚偶然发现,Eutopia 的作曲编曲是 *Luna,*Luna 一男一女组合,女生 rua 在中国待过七年有中文基础,而菜宝也是在中国待了刚好七年,就是说有没有一种可能…

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