Evening Report🔎
‼️Starting January 11, 2025, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will begin to fully implement Section 321, the "de minimis" rule. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection plans to update its systems to identify importers that do not comply with the rules.
⚠️Under Section 321 of the U.S. Tariff Act, low-value goods worth less than $800 can enter the United States duty-free. For individuals or businesses, if they mail or express items from overseas to the United States, the declared value does not exceed $800, they are generally exempt from customs duties and related taxes.
Shipments entering the United States under the de minimis standard must meet the following conditions:
1️⃣The value of the goods is less than $800.
2️⃣The de minimis of $800 applies to the import volume per day for each importer (company or individual).
3️⃣Regardless of the mode of transportation, shipments shipped to the same importer will be combined and treated as one import. If the total value of all shipments exceeds $800, a taxable customs declaration is required.
4️⃣Importers must indicate the value of the goods on the bill of lading or similar document (e.g. manifest).
5️⃣All modes of transport, carriers, and entry types are counted.
❗️If an import shipment exceeds the daily duty-free limit, the shipment will be formally or informally declared for entry at the discretion of U.S. Customs. In this case, U.S. Customs will collect duties and taxes. In addition, please note that U.S. Customs imposes a Merchandise Processing Fee on all formally declared shipments.
Please note that the US Customs limit of $800 is the duty-free limit per importer (company or individual) per day. Please ensure that the value information of each shipment is provided truthfully, completely, and clearly to avoid shipment detention or extended declaration processing time due to false, missing, and vague information.🌹🌹
‼️Starting January 11, 2025, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will begin to fully implement Section 321, the "de minimis" rule. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection plans to update its systems to identify importers that do not comply with the rules.
⚠️Under Section 321 of the U.S. Tariff Act, low-value goods worth less than $800 can enter the United States duty-free. For individuals or businesses, if they mail or express items from overseas to the United States, the declared value does not exceed $800, they are generally exempt from customs duties and related taxes.
Shipments entering the United States under the de minimis standard must meet the following conditions:
1️⃣The value of the goods is less than $800.
2️⃣The de minimis of $800 applies to the import volume per day for each importer (company or individual).
3️⃣Regardless of the mode of transportation, shipments shipped to the same importer will be combined and treated as one import. If the total value of all shipments exceeds $800, a taxable customs declaration is required.
4️⃣Importers must indicate the value of the goods on the bill of lading or similar document (e.g. manifest).
5️⃣All modes of transport, carriers, and entry types are counted.
❗️If an import shipment exceeds the daily duty-free limit, the shipment will be formally or informally declared for entry at the discretion of U.S. Customs. In this case, U.S. Customs will collect duties and taxes. In addition, please note that U.S. Customs imposes a Merchandise Processing Fee on all formally declared shipments.
Please note that the US Customs limit of $800 is the duty-free limit per importer (company or individual) per day. Please ensure that the value information of each shipment is provided truthfully, completely, and clearly to avoid shipment detention or extended declaration processing time due to false, missing, and vague information.🌹🌹