🪧 俄罗斯总统普京周四在经济论坛上表示,他不理解法国对 #Telegram 创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫采取的行动。杜罗夫上周在法国被正式立案调查。
✅ 普京表示,几年前曾见过杜罗夫一次,但此后一直没有保持联系,也没有再见过面。
✅ 法国对杜罗夫的调查与 #Telegram 平台被用于诈骗、洗钱和儿童色情等犯罪有关。杜罗夫的律师称针对他的诉讼是荒谬的。
🪧 Russian President Putin stated at an economic forum on Thursday that he does not understand France's actions against #Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Durov was formally placed under investigation in France last week.
✅ Putin mentioned that he had met Durov once several years ago, but they have not been in contact or met since.
✅ The investigation in France against Durov is related to the use of the #Telegram platform for crimes such as fraud, money laundering, and child pornography. Durov's lawyer has called the lawsuit against him absurd.
✅ 普京表示,几年前曾见过杜罗夫一次,但此后一直没有保持联系,也没有再见过面。
✅ 法国对杜罗夫的调查与 #Telegram 平台被用于诈骗、洗钱和儿童色情等犯罪有关。杜罗夫的律师称针对他的诉讼是荒谬的。
🪧 Russian President Putin stated at an economic forum on Thursday that he does not understand France's actions against #Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Durov was formally placed under investigation in France last week.
✅ Putin mentioned that he had met Durov once several years ago, but they have not been in contact or met since.
✅ The investigation in France against Durov is related to the use of the #Telegram platform for crimes such as fraud, money laundering, and child pornography. Durov's lawyer has called the lawsuit against him absurd.