
Гео и язык канала: Китай, Китайский
Категория: Технологии

分享一些看到的好东西(包括但不限于产品 / 设计 / 创投 / 科技 / 人文),并希望在这个科技时代每个人都能寻到自己有所寄托的「好」事物,不反智,不为残缺的互联网所困,不受束缚。
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Китай, Китайский
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If only we could write emails like Spartans.


The tweets were pure gold and wholesome.


Content design at its finest.

时隔四年,Master of None 突然出了第三季,真是今年的一大惊喜。第一季关于新移民的 dry humor,第二季黑白色调中的 melancholy,让这剧超越了 the Office 成了我的最爱剧集。比起讲脱口秀,Aziz 明显更适合做编剧。


TIL: 麦克卢汉的媒体传播理论中最有名的一句是「媒介即信息」(The medium is the message),但他在六十年代出版的书却并非同名,而是《媒介即按摩》(The Medium Is The Massage)。据传这是当时编辑的一个typo,但麦克卢汉本人看到书的标题后却非常喜欢。他后来解释说「媒介并非中立,而是对大众产生各式影响。媒介像按摩一样上下其手,控制大众,改变大众」。

> The title "The Medium Is the Massage" is a teaser—a way of getting attention. There's a wonderful sign hanging in a Toronto junkyard which reads, 'Help Beautify Junkyards. Throw Something Lovely Away Today.' This is a very effective way of getting people to notice a lot of things. And so the title is intended to draw attention to the fact that a medium is not something neutral—it does something to people. It takes hold of them. It rubs them off, it massages them and bumps them around, chiropractically, as it were, and the general roughing up that any new society gets from a medium, especially a new medium, is what is intended in that title".

现在有四种对书名的解读:message,mess age,massage 和 mass age。

科技进步和社会革新并不总意味着消费者会拥有更好的产品。灯泡 是一个为许多人所知的例子:资本家从中作梗,为了利润和销量成立联盟,故意设计出质量差寿命短的灯泡。但 洗碗机 可能更有趣:因为政府对能耗和洗涤剂添加物的管制,现在的洗碗机要花三到四个小时才能洗干净餐具,而八十年代的洗碗机只需一个小时。

非同步的沟通能提高人们对写作的重视,保证所有的想法都有迹可循,而不是散落在 Zoom meeting 的对话里。如果每个人都能意识到 Slack 在线不代表真正的 available,发一条消息期待对方立刻回复就跟在办公室敲别人桌子说快帮帮我一样 annoying,也不会有那么多人经常在状态栏挂一个猫咪猛敲键盘的 emoji了。


> When Coinbase announced its ban on internal political discussions last year, some managers I spoke with praised the move for the clarity it brought to the workplace. By making workplace chat a politics-free zone, Coinbase was freeing employees to do the work they were hired to, rather than wage partisan warfare on the job…
What that view misses, I think, is how confusing rules like these are to employees… “How do you talk about raising kids without talking about society?” the employee said. “As soon as I bring up public schools, then it’s already political.”


Sony needs some content designers who understand 登陆 vs 登录。

Martin Scorsese 质疑 算法和娱乐化的“content”:

> ‘Content’ became a business term for all moving images… everything is presented to the viewer on a level playing field, which sounds democratic but isn’t. If further viewing is “suggested” by algorithms based on what you’ve already seen, and the suggestions are based only on subject matter or genre, then what does that do to the art of cinema?

> Curating isn’t undemocratic or “elitist,” a term that is now used so often that it’s become meaningless. It’s an act of generosity—you’re sharing what you love and what has inspired you…Algorithms, by definition, are based on calculations that treat the viewer as a consumer and nothing else.

Li Jin 刚刚 宣布 她成立了一家新的风投公司 Atelier,专注于 passion economy。她对 passion economy 的定义是:“a new economic movement in which people are able to monetize individuality and creativity, supported by platforms that democratize the ability to reach consumers at scale and to offer non-commoditized products and services”。因此 creator economy 更像是 passion economy 的一个分支,前者只包含创作者,后者则将给创作者赋能的平台也囊括进来。

几年前人们对 creator 的认知还是娱乐导向、广告为主要收入来源的 Youtuber,而现在已经扩展到了内容导向、付费订阅(Substack)和贩卖专业技能(Fiverr)为主要收入来源的专业人群。Li Jin 对 passion economy 的 vision 十分大胆:以 paid newsletter 为起点,未来会有新的教育模式帮助更多人成为 creator(kinda like Lambda School?),平台会设置全民创造收入(Universal Creative Income)吸引 creator 并创造壁垒。

作为一只起始资金 $13M 的VC,野心实在不小,但未来可期。

When AI translator is fed with bad data:

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