Further to our previous efforts in persuading the US to abolish the special treatments accorded to Hong Kong pursuant to the US-HK Policy Act, our Convenor Andy Chan Ho-tin sent another letter to the US Department of State on 1st September, in which we argued in addition to our previous letter to the US President Donald J. Trump that:
1. 當日政策法之制訂假設了香港政制將在主權移交後步向民主化,但主權移交後的香港政制越來越背離民主,政策法下給予香港特殊待遇的基礎早已喪失。
1. The Policy Act was written with the assumption that Hong Kong would progress towards a democracy after the 1997 transfer of sovereignty, and yet the reality is that it has regressed backwards, to the opposite direction. The assumed basis for the differential treatments accorded to Hong Kong is therefore no longer valid.
2. 政策法下美國可向香港出口涉及重要技術的商品。由於香港早已是中國的傀儡政權,美國給予香港的特殊待遇只會淪為中國竊取美國重要技術的手段,危害美國以至整個自由世界。
2. With the Policy Act in its current state, the US may export strategic technologies and goods to Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong has long since become a puppet regime under China, such differential treatments would only lead to China’s successful industrial espionage against the US, thus endangering the US or even the rest of the free world.
The Hong Kong National Party, being an pro-democracy and pro-civilisation organisation, sincerely hopes that the US would sooner than later realise that Hong Kong is being used by China to threaten the whole free world, and take the appropriate actions to stop China’s unchecked aggressions.