只利用 @rss2tg_bot 訂閱 RSS, 不作人手過濾, 不會人手修改或發佈額外消息。 (廣告﹑網址追蹤﹑統計、訂閱來源、測試例外) Only subscribe to RSS feeds by @rss2tg_bot. No human filtering. Neither edited nor extra msg posted by human. (Except ads, URL tracking, counting msg, feeds' source & testing)
12.03.2024 09:59
只利用 @rss2tg_bot 訂閱 RSS, 不作人手過濾, 不會人手修改或發佈額外消息。 (第三方廣告、統計、修改訂閱來源、測試例外) Only subscribe to RSS feeds by @rss2tg_bot. No human filtering. Neither edited nor extra news posted by human. (Except 3rd party ads, counting msg, editting feeds' source & testing)