美國國務卿蓬佩奧於27日發聲明,因中共最近硬推港區國安法,及以往一連串的行動,侵蝕了香港自治,違反了中國在「中英聯合聲明」中的承諾,故不再視香港為高度自治。蓬佩奧在聲明中還說到美國會站在香港人的一方,因為我們正爭取本來就被承諾擁有的自治。//The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong as they struggle against the CCP’s increasing denial of the autonomy that they were promised.//
Letter of Gratitude to the United States for Standing Against CCP’s Aggression on Hong Kong’s Autonomy
Dear Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo,
We are writing to express our gratitude towards the United States, in response to the latest statement given by Mr. Michael R. Pompeo, the Secretary of State, on May 27, 2020.
Since 1997, Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedom have been both aggressively encroached; and with the introduction of the Extradition Bill in March 2019, along with the imposition of the new National Security Legislation, the CCP has openly and repeatedly violated the internationally recognized Sino-British Joint Declaration.
In this fight against communist tyranny, we are determined to stand on the side of freedom, liberty, and justice, thus why we wave the star-spangled banner. As Hong Kong’s autonomy is crucial for its commercial success and political integrity, we cannot express enough heartfelt gratitude towards President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, and the US for your long standing support. We humbly hope that this alliance and friendship would be perpetual. God bless America.
Hong Kong Autonomy Action
May 29, 2020