MTR Service Update

Гео и язык канала: Китай, Китайский
Категория: Транспорт

A shadow digital media communication platform of the railway operator. Concentrates on passengers info work to demostrate an expected performance of public bodies
服務範圍 Service Scope

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Гео и язык канала
Китай, Китайский
Фильтр публикаций

屯馬綫於 1 月 18 日(星期六)當日將加強列車服務,
方便往返 #啟德體育園 活動的乘客



Tuen Ma Line will have its services strengthened on 18/Jan (Sat) for passengers' convenience when travelling to or from Kai Tak Sport Park events

Scheduled train service levels


Delay certificate issued by #MTR for disruptions on Tung Chung Line, Airport Express


🧳 ✅ 15:30
機場快綫市區預辦登機服務的截止時間,現已恢復至航班出發前 90 分鐘

The cutoff time of In-Town Check-In at Airport Express stations is now restored to 90 mins prior to flights’ departure

✅ 14:40

Following trespasses, residue delays on Airport Express and Tung Chung Line are ending gradually

1426 欣澳站有人闖入路軌


乘客可使用 Citymapper 重新計劃「點對點」行程或考慮其他交通工具


🧳 ⏳ 機場快綫市區預辦登機服務的截止時間,現臨時改為航班出發前 180 分鐘

Trespasses at Sunny Bay Station, severe delays on Tung Chung Line, Airport Express

Consider other transport or re-plan your point-to-point journey via Citymapper


🧳 ⏳ The cutoff time of In-Town Check-In at Airport Express stations is temporarily extended to 180 mins prior to flights’ departure

ℹ️ 懷疑有人走入路軌範圍



It is suspected someone is wandering on the track

Trains will be driven manually at a slow speed between Tsing Yi and Sunny Bay

Station staff now join the train to search for the trespasser and lead this person to any suitable stations then handover to emergency services if discovered

1409 欣澳站有人闖入路軌


🧳 ⏳ 機場快綫市區預辦登機服務的截止時間,現臨時改為航班出發前 180 分鐘

Trespasses at Sunny Bay Station

Major delays on Tung Chung Line, minor delays on Airport Express, good service on Disneyland Resort Line

🧳 ⏳ The cutoff time of In-Town Check-In at Airport Express stations is temporarily extended to 180 mins prior to flights’ departure

✅ 06:28

Following faulty train, residue delays on Tuen Ma Line are ending gradually

⏳ 一列工程列車於天水圍站附近未能開動


An engineer’s train is immovable near Tin Shui Wai

The technician on board is resetting malfunctioning parts to let this train move again and allow other services to continue with their journey as soon as practical

0610 天水圍站有列車故障


ℹ️ 部分屯馬綫列車會於抵站後停止服務,或改往其他目的地以紓緩擠塞情況



Faulty train at Tin Shui Wai Station

Major delays on Tuen Ma Line

ℹ️ Some services on Tuen Ma Line may terminate or change destinations at short notice to ease congestion

Listen to announcements and check info screens

The operations control will also dispatch empty trains once necessary to relieve the crowd

$120 乙巳蛇年紀念車票

1 月 12 日(星期日)起在各客務中心、屯門碼頭站輕鐵客務中心 及 MTR e-Store、港鐵網站有售;


套裝包括兩張紀念車票,一個車票套 及 八個利是封


紀念票可用於 1 月 29 日(星期三)00:00 起嘅一日內,



$120 “Year of Snake” Souvenir Ticket Sets

on sale at Customer Service Centres, Light Rail Customer Service Centre in Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Stop and Admiralty Tourist Services except Racecourse, Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau Stations, Airport Express counters and High Speed Rail Ticket Offices from 12/Jan (Sun)

Each set includes two souvenir tickets, one ticket holder and eight red packets


The souvenir ticket is eligible for unlimited rides in the same day from 00:00, 29/Jan (Wed) on all running lines, Light Rail, MTR Bus and MTR Feeder Bus services

Airport Express, East Rail Line boundary crossing and First Class journeys and High Speed Rail are excluded

Maximum two sets per purchase, while stocks last

東涌綫往東涌、香港嘅頭班車分別喺 1 月 12 日(星期日)
提早至 05:15 及 05:28 開出,此後至 06:00 為 15 分鐘一班車 🕔

同日迪士尼綫嘅頭班車亦會於 05:40 開出

乘客可以喺 Citymapper 查閱各班車嘅開出時間,並計劃接駁其他交通工具嘅車程組合 📲


The first Tung Chung Line departures for Tung Chung / Hong Kong will leave at 05:15 and 05:28 respectively on 12/Jan (Sun) 🕔

Disneyland Resort will also start to operate at 05:40 on the same day to convey UNICEF Charity Run participants

Check train departures and plan your journey via #Citymapper 📲

各位乘客早晨呀 👋 ☁️

今朝嘅體感温度已降至近 10 度
記得咬個包或者食番少少早餐至出門口呀 🍞

覺得唔舒服可以喺下一站月台或大堂嘅召援專綫,搵車站職員幫手 📞



Good morning 👋 ☁️

The apparent temperature has dropped to 10 degrees this morning, grab some breakfast before your journey 🍞

Don't feel well? Alight at the next station and use Help Lines at platforms and concourse to seek help

Alighting passengers nearby can first help unwell passengers get off the train. Platforms have better air circulations and you'll be easier to receive assistance

服務 #藍田 、 #油塘 、 #鰂魚涌 、 #太古 站乘客嘅「易達車」
由 2025 年 1 月起已升級為無障礙接駁服務 ♿️ 🚍



有需要嘅乘客出行前,都可以用「關愛共乘 App」計劃好行程 📲



Accessible cars serving Lam Tin, Yau Tong, Quarry Bay and Tai Koo have upgraded to Accessible Feeder Services from Jan/2025 ♿️ 🚍

Accessible feeder services will now be able to accommodate up to four wheelchair passengers and one caregiver accompanied at a time which significantly reduced their waiting time and also be able to serve larger electric wheelchairs

These services will also cover stations where lifts are being replaced or undergoing overhaul when necessary

Passengers in need are also encouraged to plan your journey ahead by MTR · Care App

Accessible Feeder Services

#機場 和 #柯士甸 站都新增咗配備機器學習功能的 AI 虛擬服務大使 🤖


螢幕上同時設傳統召援專綫功能,方便乘客就不同需要找尋職員協助 📞

#Airport and #Austin now welcome the AI Virtual Assistant 🤖

Passengers may now test the voice-controlled Virtual Assistant that comes with machine-learning capability to look up facilities near stations as well as various latest service information

While the traditional Help Line is also available 📞

✅ 20:29

Following signal failure, residue delays on Tseung Kwan O Line are ending gradually

2014 北角站訊號故障


Signal failure at North Point Station.

Good service on Island Line, minor delays on Tseung Kwan O Line


Delay certificate issued by #MTR for disruptions on East Rail Line


✅ 18:18

Following a faulty train, residue delays on East Rail Line are ending gradually

👥 不同車站將實施下列人潮管理措施,確保乘客安全



👥 Crowd management measures will be carried out at different stations for your safety


Please allow more time to travel

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