✨✨✨Review of Mr. Miles Guo's Live Breaking News
✨✨✨重溫郭文貴先生直播爆料 (2021.05.05)
🔶The largest #blockchain #cryptocurrencysystem, the #digitalcurrencysystem for humanity, requires four conditions at the core: first, legitimacy; second, economic strength; third, absolute security, the best coding skills and a strong team to maintain secrecy; finally, a strong long-term goal and investment institutions to support it, and links to #physicalassets.
#虛擬貨幣 #區塊鏈加密貨幣系統 #數字貨幣系統 #合法性 #四個條件 #經濟實力 #龐氏騙局 #無圈 #無界