2025.3.7 China’s escalating unemployment crisis is sparking widespread concern. A viral video captures over 300,000 migrant workers swarming a job fair in Zhejiang Province, only to leave empty-handed and stranded. In Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, a funeral home received 992 applications for just four vacancies—an astonishing 1:248 competition ratio. As social unrest looms, can the CCP afford to prolong its trade war with the U.S.?
2025.3.7 中國不斷升級的失業危機引發廣泛關注。一段病毒視頻記錄了浙江省一場招聘會上 30 多萬農民工蜂擁而至,但最後卻兩手空空、無處可去。在廣東省深圳市,一家殯儀館收到了 992 份申請,但只有 4 個職位空缺,競爭比例達到驚人的 1:248。社會動盪迫在眉睫,中共是否有能力延長與美國的貿易戰?
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