港島綫、南港島綫會於 12 月 28 日(星期六)加強列車服務
讓聖誕新年假期前後外出、乘搭過境列車,以及一同參與「大熊貓暢遊 MTR」的乘客更為便利 🎊 🎉
👉 metroride.hk/TrainsPerHour
Island and South Island Lines will have their services strengthened on 28/Dec (Sat) with the capacity increased at Disneyland Resort Line at different times of the day
This is for passengers' convenience at festival times, using border-crossing services and joining ‘Pandastic’ MTR Ride” 🎉 🎊
Scheduled train service levels
👉 metroride.hk/2uCgDes
讓聖誕新年假期前後外出、乘搭過境列車,以及一同參與「大熊貓暢遊 MTR」的乘客更為便利 🎊 🎉
👉 metroride.hk/TrainsPerHour
Island and South Island Lines will have their services strengthened on 28/Dec (Sat) with the capacity increased at Disneyland Resort Line at different times of the day
This is for passengers' convenience at festival times, using border-crossing services and joining ‘Pandastic’ MTR Ride” 🎉 🎊
Scheduled train service levels
👉 metroride.hk/2uCgDes