AccsStore Facebook账号

Гео и язык канала: Китай, Английский

Гео и язык канала
Китай, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

BM5不限额,放置了一两个月 | BM5-nolimited,ready to use
BM5不限额 申诉,2021年 | Reinstated BM5-nolimited,created in 2021
BM5不限额 申诉,2022年 | Reinstated BM5-nolimited,created in 2022
BM5-250 申诉,机构BM | Reinstated BM5-250,Agency BM

不死BM5不限额 | immortal BM5-nolimited
不死BM 可管理资产 | immortal BM,no ad accounts,can bond ad account and run ads
不死BM50不限额 | immortal BM50-nolimited
不死BM90不限额 | immortal BM90-nolimited
不死BM100不限额 | immortal BM100-nolimited,Tested with multiple clients, can use up all accounts(目前此类型BM卖出去的都没死 意味着你可以用完所有的账户) |

BM1不限额支付5 | BM1-nolimited,pay up to BM5
BM0不限额支付5 | BM0-nolimited,pay up to BM5

BM2500拆分账户,限额50usd | split account from BM2500,limit50

2号9户,限额1500usd个人户 | Presonal accounr,9 ad accounts in 2 BM,limited1500

2021年pro主页 可改名字 | Pro page,created in 2021,can change name you desire

cloak,同域双库,定制需求 | Cloak tecnology,Bypass Facebook's Ad Review Mechanism and Cover Zuckerberg's Eyes for Your Ads

Mark Zuckerberg's phone number

Type(English | Chinese) | Price
♥️ welcome to resllers and buyers ♥️

❗️❗️❗️@adscrossborders is scammer❗️❗️❗️
8.03 updata
immortal BM5-250:100$
reinstated BM5-250:87$

8.02 updata
pro page:13$
2 line new + ID: 8$
2 line old + ID: 10$
3 line + ID: 15$
Immortal Account: 22$
Immortal BM : 22$
bm0 nolimit: 37$
bm1 nolimit: 45$ (pay up to BM5)
bm5 nolimit:105$
Combo 2 account 2 line + 9 personal account limit 1500$: 178$

❗️❗️❗️@adscrossborders is scammer❗️❗️❗️
7.29 updata

BM5-250,reinstated 70$
BM5 unlimited 120$
immortal BM-ad account dead,but can bond personal and run ads 10$
split BM limit50 from Individual account 12$

reinstated 902-ad alive | 三次解限号 15$
reinstated 956-ad alive | 二次解限号 8$

BM1 unlimited | 不限额支付 45$

BM5-250 Immortal BM | 不死号 75$
BM5-unlimited Immortal BM | 不死号 125$
BM100-unlimited BM | 不死号
❗️❗️❗️(Immortal BM now can't be made)

individual limit1500-9 ad accounts in 2 admin | 个人户1500,9户2号 65$
individual limit1500-10ad accounts-Immortal BM | 个人户1500,通过不死BM交货 10户
individual limit1500-High Passing rate | 个人户1500限额,很多人所谓的真正秒杀户,权重堪比账单户 *
individual limit50-High Passing rate | 个人户50限额,很多人所谓的真正秒杀户,权重堪比账单户
BM limit350-ad alive-Immortal | 广告户活 不死BM

Pro Page-Name can change-24h warranty | 老牌主页包改名:24h死掉包换 15$

cloak技术支持,同域双库,lp制作功能 | 150$/per month

♥️Hello everyone, my team provides high-quality services for individuals and enterprises who run advertisements on Facebook. We have long produced various types of advertising accounts, and provided Cloak services and virtual payment tools. We have several years of investment experience to create value for you,as the old poem said:我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。(I have guests, harp blowing Sheng——Book of Songs,11th century BC)♥️

7.29 updata

BM5-250,reinstated 70$
BM5 unlimited 120$
immortal BM-ad account dead,but can bond personal and run ads 10$
split BM limit50 from Individual account 12$

all trade support middleman
List 7.25 2022 Type(English | Chinese)

reinstated 902-ad alive | 三次解限号
reinstated 956-ad alive | 二次解限号

BM1 unlimited | 不限额支付
BM5-250 Immortal BM | 不死号
BM5-unlimited Immortal BM | 不死号
BM100-unlimited BM | 不死号

individual limit1500-9 ad accounts in 2 admin | 个人户1500,9户2号
individual limit1500-10ad accounts-Immortal BM | 个人户1500,通过不死BM交货 10户
individual limit1500-High Passing rate | 个人户1500限额,很多人所谓的真正秒杀户,权重堪比账单户 *
individual limit50-High Passing rate | 个人户50限额,很多人所谓的真正秒杀户,权重堪比账单户
BM limit350-ad alive-Immortal | 广告户活 不死BM

Pro Page-Name can change-24h warranty | 老牌主页包改名:24h死掉包换

cloak技术支持,同域双库,lp制作功能 |

❤️Hello everyone, my team provides high-quality services for individuals and enterprises who run advertisements on Facebook. We have long produced various types of advertising accounts, and provided Cloak services and virtual payment tools. We have several years of investment experience to create value for you,as the old poem said:我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙。(I have guests, harp blowing Sheng——Book of Songs,11th century BC)💙


Facebook eternal account

reinstated accounts

This channel collect and publish scams (you can submit to the administrator the information of scan,to help other people not be scam)

verified scam

Tiktok and ads account,include email,low stock

Aged ins account,strong,on stock

low stock,all accounts can test

This channel no machine subscription, release account information, collect and publish scams (submit to the administrator), all transactions support middlemen



Old Facebook account with many friends and dating feature, Or used to run ads

1. Provide old accounts in countries such

- EU
- All accounts are 5-15 years old ,can start advertising. The account has been set up with 2-layer security (2FA)
2. Account with dating feature
- EU

Login information includes: uid / pass / 2fa / hotmail / hotmail pass
3. Selling old Page and successfully protesting
- Old page
- The page has been banned from advertising and is back
4. Selling BM 250
- Bm 250
- BM old

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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