Typecho Dev Channel

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But somebody told me December has 31 days, is that right? Anyway, a day early perhaps, but Happy New Year to everyone! 🥲

Just one hour left until 2024, and right at this moment, we're rolling out Typecho 1.3.0 alpha. It's a massive upgrade, and we've got loads more work ahead of us. Wishing everyone a sparklingly happy New Year! https://github.com/typecho/typecho/releases/tag/v1.3.0-alpha

We're not kidding, Typecho returns https://typecho.org/archives/136/

Typecho 论坛从前天开始一直受到持续的 CC 攻击,目前并不知道是什么原因导致了这次攻击。对于开源项目来说,我们并没有很多资源用于安全防护。因此我们暂时关闭了论坛,大家如果遇到问题可以去 Github Issue 页讨论。

最新的 Typecho 开发版里已经加入了实景预览的功能,大家可以方便地在文章发布之前查看它的显示效果啦 🤓

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