In this section, you can track the statistics of subscriptions / unsubscriptions for all your invite-links.
The number of subscriptions / unsubscriptions, the percentage of unsubscribes, the list of users who have joined / unsubscribed, the dynamics of subscriptions by hour, etc.
Audience analysis is available for each link: by gender, by date of registration, by symbols in the username, etc.
You can manage links (add new ones / edit existing ones / reset irrelevant ones) right here without going to Telegram.
This section is available only to the owner of the channel "谷歌gv 灵魂账号 珍爱账号 京东账号 @HK5588888 @fa696966 @laohai6611 @wx16966 @kid0168 @xiaokai666@iloveuforever@accsshm@fb8866z@FB0934@fbtk1" confirmed on TGStat.