Last night, few thousands users received a compromised message sent from Wallet’s official support channel. The message included a phishing link which was unauthorised by us. The cause of this vulnerability has been rectified, and no user funds were ever under threat. The perpetrators found a small vulnerability in our integration of a third-party service used by our support team which allowed them to send a limited number of messages. Our team promptly fixed the issue and revoked all external access.
The 10 or so users who responded to the compromised message will be compensated in full. We will conduct additional checks for our customer service third party software to make sure this does not happen again, and apologise for the inconvenience.
To reiterate, funds were always completely secure, and only our customer service plug-in was affected.
昨晚,数千名用户收到了 Wallet 官方支持渠道发送的一条被泄露的消息。该邮件包含未经我们授权的网络钓鱼链接。该漏洞的原因已得到纠正,并且没有用户资金受到威胁。犯罪者在我们的支持团队使用的第三方服务集成中发现了一个小漏洞,这使得他们能够发送有限数量的消息。我们的团队立即解决了该问题并撤销了所有外部访问。
回复受损消息的 10 名左右用户将获得全额补偿。我们将对我们的客户服务第三方软件进行额外检查,以确保这种情况不会再次发生,并对由此带来的不便表示歉意。