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自整合到 Telegram 以来,TON 上的 USDT 流动性在短短四个月内就已达到 7.29 亿美元


Since integrating with Telegram, the liquidity of USDT on TON has reached $729 million in just four months


🔥币安Launchpool上线第59期项目,使用BNB、FDUSD获得Catizen ( $CATI ) 。这是继昨天Launchpool上线 $HMSTR 后,TON生态又上线的一个项目

✅ 09月16日08:00点后在 Launchpool网站 将 $BNB 、 $FDUSD 投入到CATI奖励池中获得 $CATI ,CATI活动时长共计4天。
✅ 09月20日18:00 开启现货交易对: CATI/USDT、CATI/BNB、CATI/FDUSD和CATI/TRY (交易市场,适用种子标签交易规则)


Binance Launchpool launches its 59th project, allowing users to earn Catizen ($CATI) by staking BNB and FDUSD. This follows the launch of $HMSTR on Launchpool yesterday, marking another project in the TON ecosystem.

✅ Starting from 08:00 on September 16, you can stake $BNB and $FDUSD into the CATI reward pool on the Launchpool website to earn $CATI. The CATI event will last for a total of 4 days.
✅ On September 20 at 18:00, spot trading pairs will open: CATI/USDT, CATI/BNB, CATI/FDUSD, and CATI/TRY (subject to seed tag trading rules).


根据 CryptoRank 的数据,TON 是今年交易量增长最快的区块链。


According to data from CryptoRank, TON is the fastest-growing blockchain in terms of trading volume this year.


🚀🔥 币安Launchpool和超级赚币上线HMSTR项目,使用BNB、FDUSD获得Hamster Kombat ( $HMSTR )

✅ ⏰ 交易开放时间:09月26日20:00(东八区时间)


✅ $HMSTR 作为 $TON 生态用户基数最庞大的小程序,团队的资金储备、盈利能力、做市商、资源、运营能力等等都算是TON生态里是顶级。可以期待一波 ~


🚀🔥 Binance Launchpool and Super Earn are launching the HMSTR project. Use BNB and FDUSD to earn Hamster Kombat ($HMSTR).

✅ ⏰ Trading opens on: September 26 at 20:00 (GMT+8).


✅ $HMSTR, as the mini-program with the largest user base in the $TON ecosystem, boasts top-tier resources in terms of team funding reserves, profitability, market making, operational capacity, and more. Definitely something to watch for!




The minimum threshold for investing in Catizen is at the Silver level. If you haven't reached the Silver level yet, it's still possible to catch up now💪💪


📢📢#OKX 上线 $TON 生态NFT市场


📢📢OKX Launches $TON Ecosystem NFT Marketplace


📢#Catizen 上市和空投摘要: 😺

✅ $CATI 代币将于 9 月 20 日在大多数主要交易所上市。#Binance 尚未确认是否会上市 CATI。

✅ #Binance 可能也会上市 Catizen,因为 @CatizenAI
是第一个获得 Binance 投资的 TG 项目。

✅ $CATI 目前在预售市场的价格约为 $0.5,交易开始后的初始价格预计将接近这个水平。

✅ 开发团队将向社区空投 4.3 亿枚代币,价值 2.15 亿美元。

✅ 代币的领取将很快开放,可能就是本周。

✅ OKX开放了 $CATI 的充值入口


📢 #Catizen Listing and Airdrop Summary: 😺

✅ $CATI tokens will be listed on most major exchanges on September 20th. #Binance has yet to confirm if it will list CATI.

✅ There’s a possibility that #Binance might also list Catizen, as @CatizenAI is the first TG project to receive investment from Binance.

✅ The current presale price of $CATI is around $0.5, and the initial trading price is expected to be close to this level.

✅ The development team will airdrop 430 million tokens to the community, valued at $215 million.

✅ Token claiming will open soon, possibly this week.

✅ OKX has opened the deposit gateway for $CATI.


TON/USDt 5,000,000 Reward Program Begins 💰💰

✅ The TON Foundation has launched a 5,000,000 Toncoin DeFi incentive program to boost the adoption of USDt-TON and provide deeper liquidity for TON's DeFi ecosystem.

✅ The program collaborates with leading DeFi projects, including decentralized exchanges and DeDust, as well as staking protocols Tonstakers and Bemo.

✅ Users can now stake Toncoin through Tonstakers and Bemo and earn additional rewards by contributing st/tsTON derivatives to the st/tsTON + USDt liquidity pools on DeDust and StonFi.

✅ In the initial phase, the incentive program will reward liquidity providers in the following liquidity pools on and DeDust:
▪️ TON + USDt
▪️ tsTON + USDt
▪️ stTON + USDt

✅ Participants can benefit from staking rewards, transaction fees, and additional incentives. Read the full guide and start liquidity mining now!


TON/USDt 5,000,000奖励计划开始💰💰

✅ TON 基金会推出了 5,000,000 Toncoin DeFi 激励计划,以促进 USDt-TON 的采用并为 TON 的 DeFi 生态系统提供更深层次的流动性。

✅ 该计划与领先的 DeFi 项目合作,包括去中心化交易所 和 DeDust 以及质押协议 Tonstakers 和 Bemo。

✅ 用户现在可以通过 Tonstakers 和 Bemo 质押 Toncoin,并通过向 DeDust 和 StonFi 上的 st/tsTON + USDt 流动性池贡献 st/tsTON 衍生品来获得额外奖励。

✅ 在初始阶段,激励计划将奖励 和 DeDust 上以下流动性池中的流动性提供者:
▪️ TON + USDt
▪️ tsTON + USDt
▪️ stTON + USDt

✅ 参与者可从质押奖励、交易费和额外激励中受益。阅读完整指南并立即开始流动性挖矿!


Pavel Durov 宣布,Telegram Premium 付费用户已达 1000 万。除了这一里程碑之外,Telegram 还推出了多项更新:

✅ 由于使用率低以及机器人和诈骗者问题,「附近的人」功能已被删除。取而代之的是「附近的商家」,展示可以显示产品目录和接受付款的经过验证的商家。

✅ 由于匿名人士的滥用,独立博客工具 Telegraph 将不再接受新媒体上传。

杜罗夫还强调了 Telegram 对改善审核的承诺,旨在将其变成今年值得称赞的领域。


Pavel Durov announced that Telegram Premium has reached 10 million paid users. Along with this milestone, Telegram has introduced several updates:

✅ Due to low usage and issues with bots and scammers, the "People Nearby" feature has been removed. It has been replaced by "Businesses Nearby," showcasing verified businesses that can display product catalogs and accept payments.

✅ The independent blogging tool, Telegraph, will no longer accept new media uploads due to abuse by anonymous users.

Durov also emphasized Telegram's commitment to improving moderation, aiming to make it a commendable area this year.


$TON 生态9月上线3个头部项目

✅ #Notcoin 扶持的 LostDogs: 9月12日游戏结束,预计会有发布空投日期;

✅ #Catizen:9月20日空投 + 现货交易

✅ #HamsterKombat : 9月26日空投 + 现货交易


$TON ecosystem will launch 3 major projects in September

✅ #Notcoin-supported LostDogs: The game ends on September 12, and the airdrop date is expected to be announced;

✅ #Catizen: Airdrop + spot trading on September 20;

✅ #HamsterKombat: Airdrop + spot trading on September 26.



⚠️⚠️The top phishing groups are currently targeting these three hot ecosystems: EVM/TON/Tron... Take three seconds to stay calm before signing anything❗️


📢📢Telegram has not removed the privacy statement regarding chats from the FAQ but has instead moved it to the answer for the question, "A bot or channel is infringing on my copyright, what should I do?"

✅ Additionally, in the section "Do you process takedown requests from third parties?", they emphasize that they can remove sticker sets infringing on intellectual property rights or bots promoting pornography or terrorism. However, this does not apply to local restrictions on freedom of speech. For instance, if criticizing the government is illegal in a certain country, Telegram will not participate in such politically motivated censorship.

✅ Previously, there were rumors that Telegram had quietly updated its FAQ and removed the statement, "All Telegram chats and group chats are private conversations between their participants. We do not process any requests related to them."



✅ 同时,其在“是否会处理来自第三方的删除请求”中也强调,他们可以删除侵犯知识产权的贴纸集或色情、恐怖主义机器人,这不适用于当地对言论自由的限制。例如,如果批评政府在某个国家是非法的,那么Telegram就不会成为这种出于政治动机的审查制度的一部分。

✅ 此前消息,网传Telegram悄悄更新了常见问题解答(FAQ),删除了“所有Telegram聊天和群聊都是参与者之间的私密聊天。我们不处理与它们相关的任何请求。”


🚀 Telegram 更新 FAQ 删除隐私保护声明

据报道,9月6日,即时通讯应用 Telegram 更新了其常见问题解答(FAQ)页面,删除了一项重要的隐私保护声明。被删除的内容为:“所有 Telegram 聊天和群聊都是参与者之间的私密对话。我们不处理与这些聊天相关的任何请求。”

此前消息,Telegram 创始人兼 CEO Pavel Durov 在回应法国被捕事件时表示,承诺将“显著改善”平台对犯罪活动的监管。

#Telegram #隐私保护 #聊天 #群聊 #PavelDurov #监管 #科技新闻


According to reports, on September 6, the instant messaging app Telegram updated its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and removed an important privacy protection statement. The deleted content read: "All Telegram chats and group chats are private conversations between participants. We do not process any requests related to these chats."

Earlier, Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, responded to an arrest incident in France, promising to "significantly improve" the platform's monitoring of criminal activities.


📢📢 After being arrested in France, Telegram founder Pavel Durov spoke out via Telegram, stating, "The claim that Telegram is some kind of anarchist paradise is absolutely untrue.

✅ We remove millions of harmful posts and channels every day and publish daily transparency reports. We also have direct communication channels with NGOs to handle urgent regulatory requests more efficiently.

✅ Telegram's user base has rapidly grown to 950 million, which has caused growing pains for the platform and made it easier for criminals to abuse it. That's why I've made it my personal goal to significantly improve this situation. We've already started this process internally, and I will soon share more details about the progress with everyone."


📢📢 Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 在法国被捕后通过 Telegram 发声表示,“Telegram 是某种无政府主义天堂的说法是绝对不真实。

✅ 我们每天都会删除数百万个有害的帖子和频道。并发布每日透明度报告,与非政府组织有直接的联系渠道,以便更快地处理紧急的监管请求。

✅ Telegram 用户数快速增长到 9.5 亿,导致平台出现了成长的阵痛,使犯罪分子更容易滥用平台。这就是为什么我将显著改善这一情况作为我的个人目标。我们已经在内部开始了这个过程,并且很快会与大家分享更多关于进展的细节。”


🪧 俄罗斯总统普京周四在经济论坛上表示,他不理解法国对 #Telegram 创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫采取的行动。杜罗夫上周在法国被正式立案调查。

✅ 普京表示,几年前曾见过杜罗夫一次,但此后一直没有保持联系,也没有再见过面。

✅ 法国对杜罗夫的调查与 #Telegram 平台被用于诈骗、洗钱和儿童色情等犯罪有关。杜罗夫的律师称针对他的诉讼是荒谬的。


🪧 Russian President Putin stated at an economic forum on Thursday that he does not understand France's actions against #Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Durov was formally placed under investigation in France last week.

✅ Putin mentioned that he had met Durov once several years ago, but they have not been in contact or met since.

✅ The investigation in France against Durov is related to the use of the #Telegram platform for crimes such as fraud, money laundering, and child pornography. Durov's lawyer has called the lawsuit against him absurd.


📢超过 100 个应用整合将 USDT-TON 带入每个人的口袋。

TON 上的 USDT已实现重要里程碑,现在已在全球 100 多个平台上可用🔥🎉🎉

✅ 从中心化交易所到创新支付平台和关键基础设施提供商,我们比以往任何时候都更接近我们的目标,即让 TON 上的 USDt 成为世界上最易获取的稳定币。


More than 100 applications have integrated USDt-TON, bringing it into everyone’s pocket.

USDt on TON has reached a significant milestone and is now available on over 100 platforms worldwide

✅ From centralized exchanges to innovative payment platforms and key infrastructure providers, we are closer than ever to our goal of making USDt on TON the most accessible stablecoin in the world.



✅ 联合国在周二的简报会上,对逮捕和指控Telegram消息应用创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫表示了严重的人权关切。

✅ 联合国发言人呼吁遵守国际人权标准,强调在监管社交媒体平台时需要合法性和比例性。


The United Nations Raises Human Rights Concerns Over the Case of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

✅ In a briefing on Tuesday, the United Nations expressed serious human rights concerns regarding the arrest and charges against Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram.

✅ A UN spokesperson called for adherence to international human rights standards, emphasizing the need for legality and proportionality when regulating social media platforms.


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