🔥 PEPE the Dog (PEPE)
on Solana
is now trending at 1️⃣0️⃣!
Price: 🏷️ $0.0006995
FDV: 🏛️ $699.5K
Liquidity: 💧 $116.5K (235.86 SOL)
Age: 🌿 3h 17m
Volume: 💰
24H: $4.2M
6H: $4.2M
1H: $586.6K
5M: $37.2K
Price Chg: 📈
24H: 🟢 646%
6H: 🟢 646%
1H: 🔴 -30.27%
5M: 🟢 1.01%
24H Txns: 🔁
Total: 15.2K
Buys: 7.8K
Sells: 7.4K
24H Makers: 🥸
Total: 10,489
Buyers: 6,792
Sellers: 6,366
ℹ️ Info:
In memory of PEPE - the dog who tormented to death by their owner.
Living forever on Solana 💕 #PEPE
🔗Website 🔗Telegram 🔗Twitter (𝕏)
📄 CA: m9PM15qH8LLFrprcJyVp9y6LSmYsDsZDibizpgFpump EXP
on Solana
is now trending at 1️⃣0️⃣!
Price: 🏷️ $0.0006995
FDV: 🏛️ $699.5K
Liquidity: 💧 $116.5K (235.86 SOL)
Age: 🌿 3h 17m
Volume: 💰
24H: $4.2M
6H: $4.2M
1H: $586.6K
5M: $37.2K
Price Chg: 📈
24H: 🟢 646%
6H: 🟢 646%
1H: 🔴 -30.27%
5M: 🟢 1.01%
24H Txns: 🔁
Total: 15.2K
Buys: 7.8K
Sells: 7.4K
24H Makers: 🥸
Total: 10,489
Buyers: 6,792
Sellers: 6,366
ℹ️ Info:
In memory of PEPE - the dog who tormented to death by their owner.
Living forever on Solana 💕 #PEPE
🔗Website 🔗Telegram 🔗Twitter (𝕏)
📄 CA: m9PM15qH8LLFrprcJyVp9y6LSmYsDsZDibizpgFpump EXP